Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Definition of Marriage - in 1828

The following is a lengthy FaceBook thread from November 4, 2009 (there will be lengthier). They had just voted against allowing gay marriage in Maine and a friend posted her anger toward the decision. It’s edited to keep it more or less on topic. Sometimes these things go off on crazy tangents. Oddly, or not so oddly, cock-sucking became a side topic on this one – not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Also, I didn’t originally enter the fray for a while, but I will add a few interjections now. I wouldn’t have involved myself at all because things were going well, but people who base their lives on the close-minded, infinitely looping, re-translated and re-interpreted, double, triple, quadruple speak of millennia-old religious books really piss me off.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty – and all the shady characters in between. I have also corrected spelling – because that drives me nuts.
