Wednesday, August 8, 2012

2nd Amendment Ludicrocity*

I originally wrote this one a little over a year ago when NRA lobbyist, Wayne LaPierre was at yet another CPAC convention claiming that Government policies kill people, not guns. And the Teabagger Party was eating it up like it was a deep fried stick of butter covered in powdered sugar and chocolate sprinkles. It was shortly after U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and eighteen others were shot at a public meeting, resulting in six deaths.

In light of the most recent mass shootings by American-born and bred terrorists at the Batman movie premiere in Colorado and the Sikh Temple a week later in Wisconsin and the gun people continually proclaiming, “Now is not the time to discuss gun control,” after every mass shooting, I felt the need to post it now. I’ve also added some new info. This may seem choppy in thought at times, but I’m aggravated and I’m trying not to curse so much. So give me a fucking break.
