I absolutely love this one.
In the past, I’ve listed these tactics Republicans (or any
other liars) use during a debate to push their factless, biased, agendas: Ignore facts and
switch to a different topic or deny facts and continue repeating things that
were made up or ignore facts and never comment again. Some other debate tactics
are to get personal and name-call, or proclaim that you are doing what they’re actually doing (like, after they lie and you point out the lie, they say ‘You’re
lying!’), or say a whole bunch of things that have nothing to do with the topic
in an attempt to obfuscate. All of these are the tactics of people who are not
working from facts and instead rely on making things up. Eventually, when you
run out of lies, you have to figure out how to evade or deflect.
This fucking twit is the mother lode. He becomes unhinged
pretty quickly.
This doesn’t really need a setup. It’s pretty
The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the
guilty – and all the shady characters in between. Normally, I would correct the
spelling, but in this case it lends to the authenticity and production quality
of this episode.