Welcome to my 3rd Annual “Happy Whateverthefuck”
post. FOX “News” and other right-wing mouthpieces like to, for some reason that
I can’t wholly figure out, pretend that the religion celebrated by over 80% of
Americans is under attack and desperately needs help. Because 12 aisles in
Target devoted to Christmas between Halloween and New Year’s as well as the
entire store decorated in Santas and reindeer is no match for the single endcap
that’s shared by Kwanzaa and Chanukah.
What about the 30-or-so other winter festivals also
celebrated this time of year? Most of them are older than Christmas. Can you
name even one?
I guess if agitating your base gets your ratings up and
increases your multi-million dollar $alary, any bullshit is fair game.
Ho Ho Ho…