Friday, December 9, 2022

Blog Post Re-Post

I learned of this blog entry from Kevin M. Folta. Facebook won't let this blogpost from Ageconomist post to their platform. I'm bringing my old blog back to life (last post was 6-ish years ago) just to post it here. Let's see if we can't get this past Facebook's anti-science algorithm. Here's what Kevin had to say about it: "A great article on how the New York Times manipulated the situations around two science communicators to generate outrage-- where no malfeasance exists. Very nice work with important quotations."
Economic Sense
Biotechnology, Food, and Applied Economics
Monday, December 05, 2022
Canceling Science and Monetizing Outrage
Please copy and paste to your browser if the link doesn't work. Like I mentioned, I haven't posted in years - things don't seem to be working like I remember.