Friday, September 30, 2011

Belligerent Obstinacy

I absolutely love this one.

In the past, I’ve listed these tactics Republicans (or any other liars) use during a debate to push their factless, biased, agendas: Ignore facts and switch to a different topic or deny facts and continue repeating things that were made up or ignore facts and never comment again. Some other debate tactics are to get personal and name-call, or proclaim that you are doing what they’re actually doing (like, after they lie and you point out the lie, they say ‘You’re lying!’), or say a whole bunch of things that have nothing to do with the topic in an attempt to obfuscate. All of these are the tactics of people who are not working from facts and instead rely on making things up. Eventually, when you run out of lies, you have to figure out how to evade or deflect.

This fucking twit is the mother lode. He becomes unhinged pretty quickly.

This doesn’t really need a setup. It’s pretty self-explanatory.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty – and all the shady characters in between. Normally, I would correct the spelling, but in this case it lends to the authenticity and production quality of this episode.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Joy of Debating

This was the first time I posted a “conversation” as one of my rants. I’ll let the original intro speak for itself. Just ignore the allusion that it’s the first time I’ve done this. Y’ know, since I’ve done it several times on this blog already. And I think I only corrected spelling when it was so bad that it distracted from the narrative.

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Usually when I post something here, you have to just take my opinion. All you can do is read what I ramble on furiously and incoherently about. Not this time. This time I have posted a transcript of one of the many political philosophy debates in which I seem to involve myself on ‘the Facebook.’ An actual two-sided debate with a choice of contestants you can root for. Debate that tackles tough questions such as: Do tax cuts for the rich create jobs? Am I a racist? Do facts count as facts if the information is filtered through a predetermined viewpoint with an intended outcome? If a kitchen sponge really wore pants, would it stay square or would it kind of pinch in a bit, rounding off the corners?

Well, it tackles most tough questions…

Monday, September 26, 2011

Cognitive Dissonance…

 …means holding conflicting ideas simultaneously; disagreeing with what you know. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance (lack of agreement). They do this by changing their attitudes, beliefs, and actions. Dissonance is also reduced by justifying, blaming, and denying.

I’m trying to find alternatives to titling most of my posts about Republicans, “Fucking Hypocrites.” ‘Why,’ you may ask? Because to Republicans, when a Republican does something, it’s a glorious, patriotic, freedom-loving act, but if a Democrat (or anyone else, for that matter) does the exact same thing, then 9.9999 times out of 10, it’s a satan-worshipping, communist-loving, freedom-hating act. Now, I’m probably going to want to title all my posts ‘Cognitive Dissonance.’

My friend, Mark, posted a link to a FOX “News” video about a rock band, Clutch. He lightly expressed his bemusement that the conservative site would do a story about this type of music. Following his lead, I made a wisecrack about a BP commercial before the clip. That was it. No politics.

Then Kathy entered the thread.

She’s another one you’ll get to know on this blog, like the aforementioned Richard on previous posts.

Ah, conservatives. Ya gotta love their cognitive dissonance.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty – and all the shady characters in between.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Disputing Death-Desirous 'Baggers

Explaining something plainly. Laying out the facts. Having video proof to back it up.

Only a Republican can, with complete confidence, say it’s not true. And fight over it.

And my buddy Richard is a fucking Republican ninja master at blatant truth denying.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty – and all the shady characters in between.


The Greatest Speech Ever Made

This was always one of my favorite movie moments by one of the greatest comedians ever. Ironic that it's not a funny clip.  Someone added a video compilation to it. It's quite effective. Please take a look.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Rick Perry Chronicles

I don’t know if I have a special place in my bowels for Texas’ Republican Governor, Rick Perry or not. I seem to hate him quite a bit, though. I think it’s because he is a master of hypocrisy and lies. And as you should know by now, hypocrisy and lies really, really fucking piss me off.

Also, he seems to be stupid.

He’s a lying, hypocritical idiot. The Republican trifecta of qualifications to run for office.

Oop. I forgot “Super Christian.” Would that make it a quadfecta?

Here is a list of random statements I’ve made about Perry and the subsequent comments.

Before compiling this list, I honestly hadn’t realized how many times I made comments about this knob.

I will most likely write more about him, so this list is certain to be premature, but if I don’t post it now… when?

The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty – and all the shady characters in between.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Three Rants for the Price of One!

I wrote three mini-rants and felt they were too small on their own, so I stuck them all together and posted them as a triple-rant.

The first is about the small-minded FOX "News" misinformation-fueled Christian assholes hypocritically protesting the Islamic community center proposed for construction in lower Manhattan.

The second is about “Fair and Balanced” Rupert Murdoch.

The third is about tax cuts for the rich and the lie that wealth trickles down.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's Politically Correct, Assface

I love the Republican mindset. Every situation is always some sort of extreme. Always. Like allowing gays to marry will without a doubt lead to people marrying goats. Unemployment insurance without a doubt makes people stop working and just live off the system. Limiting magazine capacity to ten bullets will without a doubt lead to the government taking away our guns and controlling our lives.

But more on that absurd way of thinking in later posts.

My buddy, Richard, posted this on Facebook. You will get to know Richard for the close-minded, Rush Limbaugh mis-information regurgitating, public gun-toting, right-wing lemming that he is as my posts go on. But for now I’d like to share this post of his with you. I had written out a response, but before I entered it into the thread, I deleted it. I just didn’t feel like getting into it. Why bother? It would just have been considered left-wing, liberal, tree-hugging hippie, communist, atheist, homo-talk.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty – and all the shady characters in between.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Conservative Hypocritic Oath

I fucking hate hypocrisy. And Republicans are king. There will be a whole bunch of calling out Republicans on their hypocrisy on this blog.

Did I mention I fucking hate hypocrisy?

This is a typical right-wing bullshit half-truth smear tactic.

I will entertain that this may not be a deliberate smear tactic. That it’s an honest belief by the right-wing that when Republicans do something, it’s always OK and when Democrats do that very same thing, it’s never OK.

But it’s probably a typical right-wing bullshit half-truth smear tactic.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty – and all the shady characters in between.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Non Sequitur Maher

This thread was originally posted on Facebook on May 29, 2010 and seems a little quaint compared to what’s going on in politics now, but it still makes sense. The clip from Bill Maher that started it all is irrelevant to the subsequent discussion, but it is relevant in and of itself. I suggest you watch it.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty – and all the shady characters in between. Normally, I would correct the spelling, but in this case it lends to the authenticity and production quality of this episode.
