The Occupy Wall Street movement
is a little over two months old. Relatively still an infant as far as protest
movements go. At this point, the targets of this protest movement should still
not be concerned. Comparatively, women still did not have the right to vote,
blacks were still segregated, Vietnam was still in full swing, hell, there were
still slaves for decades and decades and decades. Even alcohol was still legal
– the only Constitutional amendment that ever took away a right. None of
the people opposed to these movements were concerned.
And as far as I know, the LGBT
community still has a long battle ahead regarding civil rights equality...
Yet, one month into #Occupy, it became a topic during the 483rd Republican National debate. Why are they concerned? It’s only just a bunch of lazy hippies that don’t want to work but do want free hand-outs, right?
Or so they want you to believe.
Lawyers, pilots, nurses,
teachers, US military veterans, unions, musicians, actors, even billionaire
businessmen are all lazy hippies? Well, if the media skip all those people and
go straight to the man wearing the “V” For Vendetta mask, dreadlocks, yellow
clown wig and ripped jeggings held up with red suspenders for no reason who
says, “Yeah, man, like. Uh, corporations are bad. And stuff. And, like we
should have, like, less interference and stuff,” then you will think they’re lazy hippies. The media needs ratings.
It has since the 60’s when it became part of the entertainment division.
Jeggings (or dangling tea bags
from your hat while wearing a George Washington costume and holding an ‘Obama
Niggar Muslin Socilist Anti-Christ Moran’ sign) gets you ratings.
Jesse LaGraca does not.
Jesse LaGraca does not.
And less than a month after the
peaceful, unarmed #OWS began, so did the police brutality. I thought the First
Amendment in The Bill of Rights of The Constitution went something like:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I must have missed the First
Amendment Addendum that stated: Unless these freedoms interfere with the
profiteering of the corporations, which henceforth shall be considered people.
Very rich and powerful people. More rich and powerful than 99% of the not rich and powerful population.
Individually, but not more
powerful than the 99% all together.
And speaking of George
Washington costumes, the Tea Party (who formerly called themselves Teabaggers
and I still do consider Teabaggers) showed up at their rallies and town hall
meetings carrying their AK-74s and AR-15s and Sig Sauers and threatened to
shoot the President or any other politician that didn’t do what they wanted -
and there was not a single arrest. Did I miss the part of the Constitution that
protects whack-jobs’ rights to threaten the President of the United States of
Yet, a bunch of people armed
only with iPads and tents demanding corporate money be removed from politics
are brutally beaten, pepper-sprayed and arrested and their property confiscated
and destroyed. Books, even. As well as the press being arrested to prevent
their reporting of these events.
This is the definition of
fascism. Not rhetorically. Fucking literally.
Two months in, are the very
rich and powerful corporations (1%), who have profited greatly by buying
legislation in their favor against the well-being of the population (99%),
starting to get afraid of this very real movement?
What do you think?...
John Boehner's Lobbyists Target Destruction Of Occupy Wall Street
Lobbying firm's memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street
John Boehner's Lobbyists Target Destruction Of Occupy Wall Street
Lobbying firm's memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street
And then there's this decidedly fascist-leaning bullshit...
New York Churches Shelter Occupy Protesters, Now Monitored By NYPD
In conclusion, here is a comparison between armed Teabag protesters threatening to get what they want with murderous violence versus peaceful, unarmed #OWS protesters physically and verbally threatening no one. Can you tell which is which? And of which protest movement the rich and powerful 1% is fearful?
New York Churches Shelter Occupy Protesters, Now Monitored By NYPD
In conclusion, here is a comparison between armed Teabag protesters threatening to get what they want with murderous violence versus peaceful, unarmed #OWS protesters physically and verbally threatening no one. Can you tell which is which? And of which protest movement the rich and powerful 1% is fearful?
Column A Column B
Is it just me, or is reality itself fucked?
Allegedly, police are supposed to protect and serve the people. Not corporate interests.
At this rate, I’m sure I’ll have more to say on this in the future.
Good day.
Post script: I would like to share this open letter by Nathan Brown, Assistant Professor at
UC Davis. It was brought to my attention by Gonzomama in the comments of my last post. Please read it.
Allegedly, police are supposed to protect and serve the people. Not corporate interests.
At this rate, I’m sure I’ll have more to say on this in the future.
Good day.
Post script: I would like to share this open letter by Nathan Brown, Assistant Professor at
UC Davis. It was brought to my attention by Gonzomama in the comments of my last post. Please read it.
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