Republicans keep claiming that "Obamacare"
forces the government between you and your doctor. If you've ever read any of
that legislation, you would know that this claim is an unmitigated fucking lie.
(But I know Republicans haven't and just unconditionally believe what their FOX
overlords tell them.) However, the hypocritical, scumbag, fucktard Republicans
somehow don't consider these things to be the government getting between you
and your doctor: Republicans writing government legislation against birth
control, Republicans forcing medically unnecessary vaginal ultrasound rape,
Republicans writing legislation preventing the Constitutionally protected right
to receive an abortion, the Republicans constantly trying to defund Title X
family planning, the constant Republican war to abolish Planned Parenthood - an
organization that is 97% cancer screening and other health preparedness issues
(not concerning abortion) for women and men and then there's the Blunt-Rubio
Amendment - allowing employers to deny you of ANY health care due to their
"moral values." (There’s
more at the end of this rant, but they’re new and require more detail.)
Fuck you, you fucking hypocritical fucks.
Oh, and go to hell, Republicans.
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Hey! For all you motherfuckers out there in the wasteland
that think there's an individual mandate in the 'Obamacare' bill, let me
explain your IRS penalty for failure to purchase 'Obamalamadingdongcare'...
There's a section in the bill titled:
(A) Waiver of criminal penalties
It states:
In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any
penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any
criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure.
That's right, space cadets: NO CHARGE. And if the IRS should
happen to try an end-run and attempt to garnish your wages or put a lien on
your property, our Muslim Atheist President has that covered, too:
(B) Limitations on liens and levies
The secretary shall not-
(i) file
notice of lien with respect to any property of a taxpayer by reason of any
failure to pay the penalty imposed by this section, or
(ii) levy on
any such property with respect to such failure.
Yesiree, Bob. If you don't purchase mandated 'Obamacare,'
the penalty is NO penalty whatsoever.
Put that in your 'government between you and your doctor'
pipe and smoke it.
Actually, don't. Smokers' health insurance premiums are
higher. And smoking's bad for the ol' Slim Goodbody anyway.
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If Republicans fucking hate liberal, elite Hollywood so
much, why are they the ones who keep
electing actors into office? Jealousy?
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Well, George Soros the Boogieman seems to be falling out of
favor with the Republican Party. So, I would like to take this opportunity to
clear something up about Saul Alinski, the new supposed boogieman puppet-master
attributed to the Democratic Party. And explain just who he was.
Glenn Beck, while wearing his special underwear made of
salted pretzel twists strung together with strawberry Twizzlers, started
screaming about him. And picking this up and running with it, Newt Gingrich, a
strong contender for "most unlikable self-serving douche bag on
earth," started claiming Alinski controls Obama and that Obama was taking
his classes on socialism. But Saul Alinski died when Obama was 10 years old.
And other than that, NOBODY had ever heard of him until Beck brought him back
from his peaceful, eternal nap.
And if you claim you've ever heard of him before Beck &
Gingrich said his name, then you're a lying sack of shit.
“But Bill, you still haven’t explained who he was like you
Glad you were paying attention. In the 1950’s Mr. Alinsky worked
hard at improving living conditions in poor communities.
“Well, that doesn’t
sound so bad.”
Ah, but helping the poor is akin to the devil’s work to
Republicans. Alinski was a *GASP*
community organizer! His life was dedicated to helping those in need.
Basically, he was the original Occupier. He refused to join any political
organizations, stating, “…I've never joined any organization—not even the ones
I've organized myself. I prize my own independence too much. And
philosophically, I could never accept any rigid dogma or ideology, whether it's
Christianity or Marxism. One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
right.' If you don't have that, if you think you've got an inside track to
absolute truth, you become doctrinaire, humorless and intellectually
constipated. The greatest crimes in history have been perpetrated by such
religious and political and racial fanatics, from the persecutions of the
Inquisition on down to Communist purges and Nazi genocide.”
I would now like to thank Glenn Beck for introducing me to a
new hero of mine, Saul Alinski. Thanks, Glenn!
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If Republicans actually got their wish to shrink the Federal
Government enough to strangle it, enabling individual states to govern
completely autonomously, then there would be no United States of America. There
would be 50 separate countries with 50 separate passports all demanding to see
everyone's papers. Fucking morons.
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"I love it when the left says, 'equality, equality.'
Where does that concept come from?" ...dramatic pause... "Does it
come from Islam?" - Rick Santorum
I really wish this turd-chewer could have been the
Republican nominee.
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Georgia SB 469 literally makes the First Amendment illegal
in the state of Georgia. Keep on truckin', Fascists – I mean, Republicans.
You know how fucked SB 469 is? The Tea Party stands 100%
with the Occupy Movement, labor unions, and environmentalists.
THAT is how fucked this Republican bill is.
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The conservative right-wing Bible Belt is always stacking
their soap boxes as high as they can before they start angrily condemning
everyone else for not upholding the sanctity of marriage, family and moral
values at the same level as do their pure, noble hearts. Yet, according to
statistics, the Bible Belt has the highest average divorce rate (not counting
Nevada), multiple marriage rate, teen pregnancy rate and porn purchase rate
(not counting Utah). Instead of 'Bible Belt,' I believe a more apropos title
would be the 'Fucking Sanctimonious Hypocrite Belt.' Don't you?
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And for all you stupid right-wing assholes that think Obama
owns oil companies and controls gas prices, I’ll let FOX “News” explain why you
are stupid, stupid, stupid:
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"Ten states are up for grabs, tonight. In several of
the Super Tuesday states, a third of the voters still believe President Obama
was born in a foreign country. Yeah. These are the same people who think Super
Tuesday is Superman's birthday." - Conan O'Brien
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Ohio State Senator Nina Turner (Democrat) has introduced a
bill that would require men who want Viagra to have a sexual partner certify
that there is a problem gaining or maintaining an erection. The man must then
undergo a stress test and meet with a sex therapist. Also required is a
conversation with a physician about the possible risks and side-effects that
may occur with the drug and alternative therapies will be presented such as
natural remedies or celibacy. Also required is a cardiac stress test every 90
days as long as he is using the medication. Records of these discussions and
procedures must stay in his medical files to make sure he has a keen
understanding of all the possible risks associated with erectile dysfunction
Sounds logical to me. Because men obviously do not know how
to take care of themselves without government telling them what to do.
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Wisconsin Senator Pam Galloway (Republican), who is one of
the Senators up for recall, resigned before the recall election could happen.
Republicans lost the majority and are now split 16-16 with Democrats.
I wonder if anything interesting has been happening in
Wisconsin lately?
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You know what's protecting the mentally unbalanced racist
who stalked and assassinated unarmed 17 year-old black Treyvon Martin while
walking home from 7-11 buying Skittles candy for his brother? A Florida law
pushed through by the militant piece of shit scumbag organization, NRA.
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Santorum says if elected he will ban pornography. So nice
that when he's elected he's going to amend the Constitution to give the
Government the power to do away with privately owned corporations. How he gets
the power to single-handedly amend the Constitution is another story.
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And for the second year in a row, Republican Paul Ryan’s
budget plan destroys social programs for the poor and ends Medicare and cuts
taxes for the rich. And why not? It’s not like there’s any proof that that
would harm the country. If you ignore the past. And facts. Like do the
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These next four topics were originally part of my “¡Vete a
la Chingada, los Republicanos!” series, but they piled up quickly as well. I
want to post them before their expiration date.
Eighteen years ago, Congress passed the "Violence
Against Women Act" with bipartisan consensus. Each time it has been
renewed, it has also been with bipartisan support. This time, as the bill comes
up for renewal, just take a fucking guess who now opposes it. That's right, the
Republicans' hatred of women unabashedly continues.
Some intelligent quotes...
"You think they might have put things in [the bill] we
couldn't support that maybe then they could accuse you of not being supportive
of fighting violence against women?" - Senator Jeff Sessions (Republican)
And what "things" does scumbag Fascist Senator
Sessions say the evil Democrats snuck into the bill to accuse Republicans of
not being supportive? 'Things' that would "...allow more battered illegal
immigrants to claim temporary visas, and would include same-sex couples in
programs for domestic violence." Fuckhead.
Conservative activist, Janice Shaw Crouse and her right-wing
group, 'Concerned Women For America' are pushing lawmakers to oppose the bill,
claiming it is "...a boondoggle [that] creates an ideology that all men
are guilty and all women are victims." Yes. That's EXACTLY what it means.
Wisconsin State Representative Donald Pridemore
(Republican), co-sponsor of a bill there that claims single parenthood is a
cause of child abuse, says, "Regardless of domestic violence, couples
should study their relationship before parting ways," and that "If
they can re-find those reasons and get back to why they got married in the
first place, it might help." Yes, you stupid woman. Between the moments
his knuckles are making contact with your cheekbones and ribcage, you should
think about why you married him in the first place. And rekindle that old
flame. Fucking fuckhead.
Arizona State Representative Nancy Barto (Republican)
introduced a measure that would shield doctors from being sued for withholding
information from pregnant women about potential birth defects.
It's not like withholding that information threatens the
life of the mother and the child or anything.
This measure is based on the premise that having the
information of birth defects causes abortions. Yes, more anti-abortion
It amazes me that any woman would join the Republican war on
themselves and propose such harmful and ludicrous measures.
I believe any politician that proposes laws that oppose a
woman's Constitutionally protected right to an abortion should be forced to
raise all the children their law produces.
Arizona Senator Debbie Lesko's bill passed through the State
Senate Judiciary committee. The bill would force women to prove to their
employers whose insurance plan covers their birth control that the women are
using it for health reasons and not just for sex. If the bill passes, it would
allow employers to deny birth control coverage on the basis of religious
objection and would also allow employers to fire the woman if she can't prove
the birth control is used for health reasons in addition to sex.
Yes, in addition to Republicans forcing the government
between you and your doctor, they also want to force your employer between you
and your doctor.
And the Republican war on women continues. By Republican
women as well? Shit is fucked, man.
Republican zealots - I mean 'lawmakers' in Tennessee are
really having fun with their hatred of women.
They are trying to pass a measure, the Life Defense Act,
that would require the Tennessee Department of health to publicize the names of
doctors performing abortions. This deliberately banks on the threat of the
pro-life psychos that murder doctors which has been happening for years. What?
Not enough bullshit for you? How does that equate to hatred of women, you ask?
Fucking shut up and wait till I'm finished, for fuck's sake. The Life Defense
Act also requires detailed patient information be released, including
"...the county and state in which the woman resides: the woman's age, race
and marital status; pre-existing medical conditions; and the number of prior
pregnancies and prior abortions."
Legislating the intimidation of doctors and the shaming of
women. Nice.
And you still think America is the land of the free.
Not if the Republo-Fascist Party has their way.
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"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread
winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false
notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your
knowledge.'" - Isaac Asimov, Newsweek, 1980
Good day.
Oh, and one last little bit of fun, in case you didn't know:
FOX "News" and right-wing talk radio is illegal in Canada because of a law that prevents the broadcasting of false or misleading news. Neat, huh?
Fox News' Lies Keep Them Out of Canada
Oh, and one last little bit of fun, in case you didn't know:
FOX "News" and right-wing talk radio is illegal in Canada because of a law that prevents the broadcasting of false or misleading news. Neat, huh?
Fox News' Lies Keep Them Out of Canada
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