I limited this collection of idiocy to around 2,000 words.
You should thank me.
Hey, it’s got pictures!
The utterly disgusting tenure of George W. Bush pushed this
racist country far enough to actually vote for a black guy as President. I hope
Willard Mittens Romney is elected as our next one. After four hilariously
heinous years of that incompetent sociopathic robot clusterfuck as
President that would usher in an era dwarfing the Great Depression, a Republican will NEVER be elected again. Except by stupid fucking
assholes. Which, unfortunately, number in the tens of millions.
Oh, good. Because of the
conspiratorial lies of stupid fucking asshole Republicans like Michele
Bachmann and
Glenn Beck (emphasis on ‘stupid,’ ‘fucking’ and ‘assholes’), Egyptians think
the U.S. secretly funded the Muslim Brotherhood's "takeover" of
Egypt. These stupid fucking assholes are un-American and do nothing but harm
America with their stupidity.
On a completely related note, Louie Gohmert, Trent Franks, Thomas Rooney and Lynn Westmorelandand - led by the Queen of Dipshits, Michele Bachmann - have decided to attack Huma Abedin, a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is Muslim, for no reason other than she's Muslim. Hooray for 1950's McCarthyism. Bachmann is so much of a stupid fucking asshole that many Republicans are even telling her she's a stupid fucking asshole.
State students were protecting the Joe Paterno statue. Yay! Football is so much
more important than covering up child rape! Go, football! Stupid fucking
statue was taken down.
Just read an article about an
insect from south central Europe being found in Idaho for the first time. Here
are some of the comments...
-Why spend money on an investigation as to how they got
here? Who cares? They are here. We should be investigating why our government
wastes money and does not work for us. That is what bugs me
-They came here for the welfare Obama offers just like
the Mexicans they will vote Obama in november!
-Lol. After reading some of the comments I'm beginning
to think this is an article about Mexican illegal immigrants. Not sure which is
worse; bugs or them.
-How about we shut our borders and let little pests like
these and bedbugs stay elsewhere.
-We call them illegal immigrants, they come in here
like geese in the middle of the night and our government is holding the flash
-Another example of how we need a better border patrol.
-Do we have to provide free healthcare and education
for their offspring?
-This is a typical Obama trick, to let more
"foreigners" secretly into the country. I understand these pests
migrated to Europe, but were originally from Kenya.
-"Federal authorities will take the lead role in
investigating how the insects got to the U.S. and how they might spread".
Yeah, right. Federal authorities won't take the lead
role in investigating how illegal aliens got in the U.S. and how they spread
and the damage they're causing but they want to track a three quarter inch bug
that's appears fairly harmless. How ironic.
Why are there so many stupid
fucking assholes in America?
George Zimmerman said that when he murdered unarmed Trayvon
Martin who was doing nothing wrong, simply walking home from 7-11, it must have
been a part of God’s plan. So, he’s using the “It wasn’t me. God’s a stupid
fucking asshole and I have no control over what he makes me do in his name”
defense? Stupid fucking asshole.
So, gay people are allowed to join the military, fight and
die for our country, but not join the Boy Scouts. Am I understanding this
Is it because they think gay men will make sexual gestures
toward the scouts? If so, shouldn’t straight women not allowed to be Den
Mothers for the very same reason? If that’s not the reason, then what could possibly be the bigoted reason? Stupid fucking
assholes run the Boy Scouts.
How about producing just one bit of actual relevant
unflip-flopped information regarding your robot-husband so the American people
can make what is known as an informed opinion. As of right now, our informed
opinions are based on what he’s hiding and his 37 different stances on every
issue. And all the jobs he has shut down in America and shipped overseas for
higher personal profit.
What is in his tax returns that he’s also hiding?
Aside from that idiotic “you people” comment, Ann Romney had
this to say about Mittens: “You should really look at where Mitt has led his
life and where he’s been financially. He’s a very generous person. We give 10%
of our income to our church every year. Do you think that is the kind of person
that is trying to hide things or do things? No. He is so good about it.”
So, we should look at his finances without him releasing
them to us? That makes sense, Mrs. Robot. And I totally believe your word that
you give 10% of your income to your church – since you have given no proof in the
form of tax returns. And I’m supposed to be impressed by your donations to a
church that pumps millions into anti-gay legislation? Wait, did you say
‘income?’ Didn’t Mittens just a few months ago say he was unemployed while
pandering to actually unemployed people who don’t have hundreds of millions in
the bank and untold millions more hidden in secret bank accounts not in America
for purposes of tax evasion?
Being the way out-of-touch über-millionaire that you are,
you must think we uneducated common folk are stupid fucking assholes to believe
your nonsensical, contradictory bullshit.
And did you think we couldn’t figure this out, Mrs. Robot,
on the reason why Mittens isn’t releasing any more tax returns than the one partial 2010 return he already released: “Because there are
so many things that will be open again for more attack and you just want to
give more material for more attack and that’s really – that’s just the answer.”
What my uneducated ears hear is this: “There’s a lot of
shifty shit in those tax returns we don’t want anyone to know about.” What
could it be? Did Mittens ever pay NO taxes? Does he make a shit-ton MORE money
than we think? How many tax shelters is he hiding his money in? How long did
Mittens actually work at Bain? What?
Republicans, Democrats and everyone in between have all
released their tax returns when running for President. They have rarely been
used for political shit before. You are blowing this up to massive
conspiratorial proportions by being secretive stupid fucking assholes. Release
them. Although, I think at this point, you’re fucked even if there’s nothing in
them. Except for the obvious fact that the only reason not to release them is
because there most definitely IS something in them.
I’m sure there’s nothing illegal in those returns, just
stuff that will shed a bright light on how much incredibly easier it is for
rich people to keep more money than it is for the hard-working poor. Because
the wealthy are protected at the cost of the poor. That’s how our system is set
Pay close attention to what Chris Hayes says at minute 9…
This has been making the rounds:
It’s true “Silent Cal’s”
laissez-faire administration led to the extremely prosperous Roaring Twenties
with such non-interference policies as removing taxes for everyone in the U.S.
except for the top 2% richest. It’s also true that the Coolidge administration
practically removed all corporate regulations, allowing them to wildly prosper.
Money money money money money.
And it is also true that this
fantastically prosperous 1920’s was a completely unsustainable bubble that
didn’t just pop, if fucking exploded into the Great Depression. An event that
Coolidge admitted he had some responsibility for creating by “avoiding the big
And those virtually unregulated
businesses? Factories were still polluting so bad 40 years later that cities like
Pittsburgh couldn’t see the sun at NOON because of smog and rivers such as the
Cuyahoga were so polluted they were on fire.
That’s why Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency. Now cities can
see the sun and no rivers are on fire.
Yes, let’s get rid of “big
government interference” again, stupid fucking asshole FOX “News” watchers.
THAT’S the problem.
![]() | ||
Cuyahoga River 1968 |
![]() | |||
Cuyahoga River 2012 |
![]() |
Pittsburgh at noon 1948 |
![]() |
Pittsburgh 2012 |
Photos: NOAA, JT Powell Photography,
U of Pittsburgh, Pittsburghskyline.com
And, of course, the Jefferson ideal is only half described by Coolidge to justify his own lazy way of governing. The full ideal contradicts his biased message. Anti-government people just pick up and repeat this falsehood for their own ignorant view that they’re told to think by the stupid fucking assholes on FOX “News” on how the government should be run.
Jefferson had faith in the moral
judgment of the common man, it’s true, but that faith was limited only to basic
and rudimentary moral and political decisions. He argued that more complex
decisions should be left to the elite. And he believed the common people would
rely upon their basic moral and political judgment to be able to choose the
correct elites to govern them in a free election system.
Oh, those pesky facts.
On Thursday, June 19, Senate Republican Fascists filibustered
the Bring Home Jobs Act, which would have eliminated the incentives for
corporations to outsource American jobs overseas and create incentives for them
to keep jobs in America. The bill would have removed a tax break for moving
people and equipment overseas and create a 20% tax break for all costs
associated with moving jobs back to America.
Originally, Republicans said they would support the bill,
but that was a lie. They added a completely unrelated amendment that would
repeal the Affordable Care Act. Knowing Democrats would not include it, it gave
the Republicans the fake reason they invented to then oppose the bill, which they were never
going to support anyway.
Gee, one more example in a vast sea of examples where
Republican Fascists support rich corporations over what’s best for America.
Their candidate, Mittentron.0 is the perfect example of how to get wealthy by
outsourcing jobs away from Americans. How much of a stupid fucking asshole do
you have to be to not understand at this point that Republicans do not want to help you unless you are already wealthy? 99%
of Americans will NEVER be rich. That leaves what percent of Americans that the
Republican Fascist Party supports? Republicans support a country of the rich,
by the rich and for the rich. This way to a plutocracy.
But they can’t do it unless we let them. It’s not too late.
Occupy. Vote. And yes, vote against a plutocracy.
July 20, 2012 Aurora, Colorado
12 dead, 58 injured
My sympathies to the families and friends of the innocent
Thank you, NRA. Keep working your hardest to buy off
politicians so we can have no gun restrictions whatsoever. Or, in your
douchebag-addled minds, the country with the most gun restrictions in the world
somehow enabled this horrific act so we should get rid of the restrictions we do
have. Do you believe the 200 or so victims in the theater all should have been
carrying guns so this event could have been stopped? You do because you’re
stupid fucking assholes.
Is the only way we can get any gun regulation passed is to
have Reagan get shot? Because if so, I’ll dig up that stupid fucking asshole’s
corpse and shoot him again myself.
“I like it when people who support the NRA buying off
Congressmen so it's easier for James Holmes to get assault weapons tell me I'm
politicizing a tragedy.” – John Fugelsang
That was Mr. Fugelsang’s way of calling the NRA stupid
fucking assholes.
It’s a good thing we can purchase unlimited amounts of guns
and ammunition off the internet without any background check whatsoever due to
the stupid fucking asshole NRA lobbying (purchasing) stupid fucking asshole
politicians. How else could we protect ourselves at home or from a tyrannical
government like James Holmes did in Aurora, Colorado?
And how easy is it for terrorists to purchase unlimited weapons and ammo? Well, without any background check, or even having to be a U.S. citizen, it's REALLY FUCKING EASY. Thanks again, NRA.
PR Newswire: As Al Qaeda Instructs Followers to Exploit Weak U.S. Gun Laws, Mayors Launch Tv Ad Urging Congress to Close Loopholes That Let Terrorists and Criminals Buy Firearms
No loopholes were closed. The NRA says it's a violation of the 2nd Amendment and Obama can't take away our freedom. Their purchased Congressmen complied.
America Constitution freedom liberty guns!
Media Matters: Al Qaeda spokesman instructs terrorists to stock up at local gun shows
Daily Kos: Al Qaeda leader instructs terrorists to purchase firearms at U.S. gun shows
And how easy is it for terrorists to purchase unlimited weapons and ammo? Well, without any background check, or even having to be a U.S. citizen, it's REALLY FUCKING EASY. Thanks again, NRA.
PR Newswire: As Al Qaeda Instructs Followers to Exploit Weak U.S. Gun Laws, Mayors Launch Tv Ad Urging Congress to Close Loopholes That Let Terrorists and Criminals Buy Firearms
No loopholes were closed. The NRA says it's a violation of the 2nd Amendment and Obama can't take away our freedom. Their purchased Congressmen complied.
America Constitution freedom liberty guns!
Media Matters: Al Qaeda spokesman instructs terrorists to stock up at local gun shows
Daily Kos: Al Qaeda leader instructs terrorists to purchase firearms at U.S. gun shows
What? This wasn't reported anywhere in the right-wing media? Strange. I guess they support terrorists purchasing American weapons without a background check. And only Mexicans need to get out of America for not being U.S. citizens.
I’m very appreciative of all the people who point out to me
that after a gun murder spree occurs, the problem is ‘not enough guns.’ I guess
I’m the stupid fucking asshole for not understanding this reasoning.
Stupid fucking asshole religious whack-jobs are blaming the
liberals for the ‘lack of fear of a vengeful god’ as the reason for the Aurora
Stupid fucking asshole right-wing conspiracy theorists are claiming the
Aurora murder spree was a staged liberal government plot to turn the U.S. into
a police state and take away all our guns.
Is there no end to the amount of stupid fucking assholes
that this country is able to produce?
Republicans apparently have a great fear of vaginas. Those
dangerous, dangerous vaginas. Vaginas are vastly more (unnecessarily
over)regulated than guns.
Yay for the Constitution, freedom, small government and
fiscal responsibility!
Stupid fucking asshole Republicans.
Yes, they really think like stupid fucking assholes. Because they’re stupid fucking assholes.
Republican politicians: Are you actually small-minded bigots
or are you just pretending to be because you think they are the majority of
Just say "No" to being stupid fucking assholes.
I had a bit to say about this stupid fucking asshole Teabag
racism, but this article does it quite nicely. Aside from the title, my
favorite part of the article is the last line.
And one last thing: Stupid fucking asshole Republicans can
go ahead and repeal Obama’s Affordable Care Act as soon as they repeal their
own golden socialist health care plans that I fucking pay for.
Good day.
I leave it up to your judgment to determine the stupid fucking asshole here.
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