Friday, September 28, 2012


I tried to think of a word that best describes Romney’s campaign. It is Skullduggery: verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way.

Just some more things and whatnot. So much fucktardery happens on any given day that it’s difficult to narrow the topics. I try to be minimum in summary with maximum in information.


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Fuck you, Ban Ki-Moon.
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Since Republicans have determined that there's a variety of rape classifications - rape, forcible rape, legitimate rape - would I be considered insensitive if I wished 'consensual rape' upon all the Republicans who believe in this new classification system? I mean, the rape I wish upon them is consensual after all, so they will enjoy it.

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Yeah, the next president. Of Dumbassland.

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I really wish people understood this.

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In the “Interesting News” department: Obama has a 7 point lead over Romney – among NASCAR FANS. Yeah, strange how a mixture of mocking condescension and an air of superiority can turn people off.

Referring to fans’ garbage bag ponchos: “I like those fancy raincoats you bought. Really sprung for the big bucks.”

When asked if he was a NASCAR fan, he said: “I have some great friends who are NASCAR team owners.”

Way to keep in touch with the common man, Mittentron 2000.

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Nothing gets a car to speed up quicker than a turn signal.

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Bear with me here...
Six thousand years ago, God created the Heavens and Earth. Then He populated the Earth, plagued the Earth and flooded the Earth. Then He spoke to people through flaming flora. Then, through his emissary/self, he healed sick people.

In the past two thousand years or so, all He's done is reproduce His likeness on stained walls, burnt toast or through corn chip art.

Does anyone else see a pattern here? That even if He was once all-powerful, He seems to be fizzling out? Not much magic juice left.

If this is the case which, based on evidence it sure seems so, then why would He waste what little juju He has left on also reproducing likenesses of Elvis, George Washington, Alfred E. Neuman, and Batman, etc, on a fragile canvas of perishable Frito Lay's products?

Boredom? Manic depression? Senility?

Just wondering.

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The only hope for Romney is the massive campaign of voter suppression currently underway by Republican Governors.

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20 polls were taken in September. Every single one of them have Obama ahead. Conservatives, naturally say they are Liberal biased and manipulated. And therefore, wrong.

When Obama wins in November, will they say Obama stole the election?

Oh, wait. They already did that 4 years ago.

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That moment when you realize you've just spent the last 8 minutes trying to read the titles of the books on the shelves in the Ikea catalog. (Many of them are duplicates.)

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Occupy New Hampshire -
Rolling Stone on the inside story of how the FBI has become the most active terrorist organization operating in the United States, planning terror operations against American citizens and framing peaceful activists. "The government has a responsibility to prevent harm," says former FBI counterterrorism agent Michael German, now the senior policy counsel for the ACLU. "What they're doing instead is manufacturing threatening events."  

Rolling Stone
By Sabrina Rubin Erdeley

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In the secretly recorded tape of Mittington R. Moneyfucker, he said, “There are 47% who are with [Obama], who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care.”

Later, to NBC News, he said, “I care very deeply about the American people, and people of different socio-economic circumstances… We’ve talked about my record in Massachusetts - don’t forget, I got everybody in my state insured. 100% of the kids in our state have health insurance. I don’t think there’s anything that shows more empathy and care about the people of this country with that kind of record.”

Then, immediately after saying that to NBC News, he got on a campaign stage and proclaimed to a crowd: “Obamacare is really exhibit No. 1 of the President’s political philosophy. And that is that government knows better than people how to run your lives.”

Let’s put aside how fucking desperately pathetic it is to explain how you’re empathetic and care about people. Actions, Mittens. Actions.

But, to sum up the rest: Mitt Moneyfucker chastised President Obama for taking responsibility for the health care of Americans by creating Obamacare immediately after Mittington, himself proudly took responsibility for the people of his state by creating a health care plan that entitled people to health care after he chastised those people for believing government has a responsibility to care for them and for being on his health care plan that he created, which is the basis of Obamacare, which he says equals the government trying to run your life.

Fucking sociopathic assclown.

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FOX "News" took a poll. The results showed Obama leading Romney by between 5-7 points in swing states Florida, Ohio and Virginia.

All over FOX they were saying to wait till after some debates to get more accurate poll results.

What? No screaming that the FOX poll was liberally biased and manipulated? Oh, right. It was their own poll, so it wasn't manipulated on purpose, it was just naturally inaccurate.

Actually, all the polls have Obama ahead and the right-wing is proclaiming all polls are false, now. Hah.

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Uh, it’s time these fuckers paid taxes. They want to have influence on government, they pay taxes.

And oh, yeah. How very fucking Christian of you.

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Wake the Fuck Up!

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The tape of Mittington R. Moneyfucker where he admitted that if he were to be elected, he would abandon 47% of America, has had the effect of 47% of America abandoning him.

Turns out that people who have to work for a year and a half to two years to be able to afford to attend a fundraiser for Mr. Moneyfucker, also being told to ‘eat shit and die, moocher’ really doesn’t help his already entitled personality.

Fucking sociopath.


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Drug addict scientist, Rush Limbaugh gives his expert opinion on penis size.

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Scott Brown keeps saying you shouldn't vote for Elizabeth Warren because she's part Native American . Why is no one tagging this ignorant fucker on the blatant racist card that he’s playing? For fuck’s sake.

Attention Republicans: Tactics of 30 years ago do not work. Evolve with the rest of the Earth. Oh, you don't believe in evolution. That explains your Party platform.

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I posted this on Facebook two years ago. I think I had just watched Glenn Beck. It follows his thought pattern.

Republican logic:
If you take the name "Obama" and change just one letter to an "S" you get, obviously, "Obasa," which sounds a lot like "Oh, massa" because he wants to make slaves of the citizens of the U.S.A. And who attacked America on December 7, 1941 and tried to make us slaves? That's right - HITLER.

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Well, here's one result of denying women access to health care:
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“TLC, ladies and gentlemen, TLC has ordered more episodes of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. Yeah. Just as the Mayans predicted.” Conan O’Brien

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Fucking tell me again just how fucking restrictive gun laws are in America. And OH! how Obama is making them worse.

Fuck off.

And fuck off again.

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profits go to charity

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Excellent post by the Rude Pundit on the Republican method of mindless, extreme, over-reactionary governance.

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The Republicans keep accusing the Democrats of voter fraud, including the act of registering dead people. Every single investigation into these allegations has turned up nothing but hot air – including the lies about ACORN by a fucktard that FOX “News” so wholeheartedly pushed. The same cannot be said, however, for Republicans. And, as with every time the Republicans are caught fucking around, their response is, ‘It’s only a few bad apples. It doesn’t represent the Party.’ Right.

And by the way, the fraud this firm is perpetrating is EXACTLY what ACORN was falsely accused of doing. 

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In case you were wondereing…

For the lazy goldbricks out there, this article points out there are more jobs now than when Obama took office.

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And here’s the inspiration for the ‘Skullduggery’ title of this post. It has, obviously, to do with Mitt Romney lying all the time about everything every single time he opens his lying fucking pie hole. Or lubricant hole. Whateverthefuck robots eat.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

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And, finally, for some happy fun time…

Good day.

Court declares 92 Occupy Chicago arrests unconstitutional

A judge in Cook County, Illinois on Thursday dismissed over 90 cases against Occupy Chicago activists on the grounds that they violated the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Judge Thomas Donnelly declared that the city’s park curfew law that was used to arrest activists in Grant Park last October was “unconstitutional both on its face and as applied and all complaints in this case are dismissed with prejudice,” according to the Chicago chapter of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG).

“The Occupy Chicago demonstrators were subject to constantly changing rules and regulations that ended in a directive that they had to be constantly moving in order to protest,” the judge explained in his 37-page opinion. (Click to download pdf)

“Viewed in isolation the rules and regulations appear reasonable, but viewed in the larger context of the Occupy movement’s presence in Chicago, they give rise to the inference that the City was attempting to discourage this particular protest.”

“The police would promulgate a rule; when the protesters would comply, the police would change the rule,” he added. “These facts, together with the clear pattern of selective enforcement of the Curfew, support a finding that the city intended to discriminate against the Defendants based on their views.”

NLG attorney Sarah Gelsomino, who represented the activists, said that Donnelly “made the right decision by declaring the city’s ordinance unconstitutional and by dismissing the remaining cases brought by the city against activists legitimately engaged in free speech.”

Chicago Law Department spokesperson Roderick Drew told the Chicago Tribune that the city would appeal the ruling.

Picture and article from The Raw Story.


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