Romney quotables:
I agree with everything the president said. Only I’ll do it
better, sooner and louder. And better.
Except that I think we also need more floaty boats for the
Maybe some more Springfield muskets and English Enfield
rifles, too.
I like to say "Iran is four years closer to gaining
nuclear weapons" almost as much as Rudy Giuliani likes to say the numbers
9 and 11.
I never said all those things that I said. Maybe if there
was some magic website called YouPlayRecordingsOnThisTube or something you
could prove it, but there isn’t. Gosh dang diddly do, my friend. Trust me.
After I start a trade war with China on day one, I'll tell
them we're great allies.
We should be more involved in Syria but even less involved
in Syria.
Is it just me, or is it getting really humid in here?
The mighty powerful US government should intervene in
other people’s affairs all over the world but let the free
market decide everything here in the US. Because government is incompetent, as you know. Vote for me.
I will balance the budget within 8 years, which is why you
should vote for me. Because Obama couldn’t do it in 4.
I know about the problems America has with all the jobs
shifting over to China. It’s kind of my thing. Beeyotch.
My foreign policy plan is simple. I just talk about domestic
It’s widely reported that drones are being used in drone
strikes. I’m not saying random, blatantly obvious things just to run out the
clock by just saying random, blatantly obvious things. It’s not like I’m just
trying to run out the clock.
It’s a mistake to to say we'll pull out of Afghanistan in 2014, which is
why I say we’re going to be finished by 2014 instead.
We certainly don’t want any more unnecessary wars like Iraq or
Afghanistan, which is why I backed those two completely necessary wars.
I never said Russia was our biggest threat. I said Russia
was our biggest GEO-POLITICAL threat. Der. Stop taking words out of my mouth.
It doesn’t matter that the President never went on an
apology tour. I will keep saying the President went on an apology tour.
I congratulate President Obama on killing bin Laden and
going after al-Qaeda. But we can't kill our way out of this mess. We must do our
very best to kill them.
It’s widely reported that drones are being used in drone
I never said to let Detroit go bankrupt. It’s all in the New
York Times op-ed I wrote on 11/18/08 titled, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.”
Mongolia is Australia’s path to Lake Okeechobee.
I care deeply about gender equality in countries not named
the United States of America.
The President went on an apology tour.
Attacking me is not an agenda. Attacking me is not an
agenda, Attacking me is not an agenda. Have I repeated that enough just as I
was told to do so by my debate coaches? It doesn’t matter that after you
attacked my stances, you explained how your agendas were more effective
(realistic and actually doable) than mine. I’m just going to ignore that part because
attacking me is not an agenda.
And just because we still, ten years later, have no clear
answers from anyone in the Bush administration about Saddam Hussein’s
non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction, and how that lie was used to get
us into the Iraq war for no reason, resulting in the deaths of well over one
hundred thousand civilians plus 4,500 soldiers, why didn’t you immediately label Benghazi as a terrorist attack?
Obama quotables:
Not according to facts, douchefuck.
Re: Romney - Iran has been four years closer to gaining
nuclear weapons every year for the past 30 years.
Re: Obama – Romney wouldn’t go near a douche. It’s private,
woman business. Something from which his magic underwear protects him.
Most accurate quote of the night:
"Governor, when it comes to your foreign policy, you
seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980s, just like the social
policies of the 1950s and the economic policies of the 1920s."
Good day.
“I think Governor Romney maybe hasn't spent enough time
looking at how our military works. You mentioned the Navy, for example, and
that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have
fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military's changed. We have
these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these
ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines.”
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