Here are a bunch of gun-related observations and whatnot. I
think there’s going to be only one more gun post after this. I can’t handle
debating paranoid, delusional people much longer. I prefer the real world.
Four days after the last shooting that happened two days
after the previous shooting…
Obviously, the problem in this country is not enough guns and too many
restrictive “Liberal” laws.
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Did the Second Amendment
always mean what gun nuts say it means? No. Far right-wing extremists took over
the Republican party in the 70’s and re-interpreted their “unchangeable” right.
What? Who just said
‘fascists?’ Oh, that was me. Sorry.
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Here’s a story about a law-abiding citizen with a concealed
carry permit who doesn’t like loud music.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
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Oh, Soledad, thank you again for
calling out bullshit like a real reporter should.
I could go into how inaccurate all of this douchebag’s fake statistics are, but I’ll just point out this one and you can extrapolate. He claims that the Bushmaster rifle shouldn’t be illegal because it’s the same kind of gun that small game hunters use to hunt squirrel.
Small game hunters typically use
.22 ammo. They don’t want to disintegrate the target. The Bushmaster rifle used
in the mass murder uses a .223 round. Similar, ay?
.22 .223
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Gun people keep saying that we
have to arm everybody because killers always target gun-free zones. This, of
course, is absurd.
They give examples. ‘Shooters
never target police stations.’ (Except when they do.) Even barring the few instances when they do, it’s pretty obvious why they
wouldn’t – unless the targets were police officers.
‘Shooters never target gun
stores.’ Well, of course. That would be too
‘Shooters target schools because there are no guns there.’ Shooters don’t target schools because they know there
aren’t any guns there. They target them because they have specific targets they
want to kill.
‘The Aurora, Colorado shooter
passed several theaters that allow guns just to target the one that bans guns.’ This one is a good one. It does sound logical,
right? First, the killer never said he targeted that theater for its banning of
guns. Gun people are just making an unsubstantiated supposition to support their predetermined argument. Second, and I
don’t know the answer to this, but did any of the theaters he passed by also
have an opening midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises full of people? I’m
thinking he targeted this theater because it was night and it had a packed
house full of victims and no other theaters had any people in them.
Shooters have targets they go after. They don't think to find places that have no guns. Banks have guards with guns - that must be why no one ever targets those.
I’m getting fucking sick and tired
of hearing that more guns will make us more safe.
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Quote from Roger Ebert:
"Let me tell you a story. The day after Columbine, I was interviewed for the Tom Brokaw news program. The reporter had been assigned a theory and was seeking sound bites to support it. "Wouldn't you say," she asked, "that killings like this are influenced by violent movies?" No, I said, I wouldn't say that. "But what about 'Basketball Diaries'?" she asked. "Doesn't that have a scene of a boy walking into a school with a machine gun?" The obscure 1995 Leonardo Di Caprio movie did indeed have a brief fantasy scene of that nature, I said, but the movie failed at the box office (it grossed only $2.5 million), and it's unlikely the Columbine killers saw it.The reporter looked disappointed, so I offered her my theory. "Events like this," I said, "if they are influenced by anything, are influenced by news programs like your own. When an unbalanced kid walks into a school and starts shooting, it becomes a major media event. Cable news drops ordinary programming and goes around the clock with it. The story is assigned a logo and a theme song; these two kids were packaged as the Trench Coat Mafia. The message is clear to other disturbed kids around the country: If I shoot up my school, I can be famous. The TV will talk about nothing else but me. Experts will try to figure out what I was thinking. The kids and teachers at school will see they shouldn't have messed with me. I'll go out in a blaze of glory."In short, I said, events like Columbine are influenced far less by violent movies than by CNN, the NBC Nightly News and all the other news media, who glorify the killers in the guise of "explaining" them. I commended the policy at the Sun-Times, where our editor said the paper would no longer feature school killings on Page 1. The reporter thanked me and turned off the camera. Of course the interview was never used. They found plenty of talking heads to condemn violent movies, and everybody was happy."
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I’ve seen this posted by a
few anti-gun control people as some sort of an equalizing example of these
tragic events happening in other countries:
Question: How many
children were killed due to this mass stabbing in severely limited private gun
owning China?
Answer: Fucking none.
Fucking facts. In fucking context. Fucking please. For
fucking once. Godfuckingdamnit.
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Malcolm Turnbull is an Australian
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Food for thought:
Right-wingers who claim teachers
are incompetent now want them armed and in gun battles.
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Ben Stein said another
ridiculously idiotic thing on August 19 of this year:
"Let's start with a few facts about guns and shootings and deaths.Lately, there have been far too many shootings of innocent people by crazy people. We can go back to Virginia Tech or Tucson, Ariz., or look just recently to Aurora, Colo., and to Wisconsin and the Sikh Temple.Too many crazy, homicidal people have lethal weapons. And you might say there should be very strict gun control - and for crazy people, there should be.On the other hand, you might look at this little set of facts.In Sandpoint, North Idaho, where I live for most of the summer, it's extremely easy to buy a gun. You can buy them at stores and at gun shows, or just at yard sales. Yet there are almost no gun deaths in Bonner County, Idaho.The last ones of note in North Idaho were done by the FBI at Ruby Ridge, and that's a different story.On the other hand, in my beloved Los Angeles, where I live most of the year, there's extremely strict gun control. It's a real project to buy a gun.Here, we have gang shootings and death by guns on a terrifying scale. In my native city of Washington, D.C., the same goes: Strict gun control and lots of shootings.The same goes for Chicago. Strict gun control and a lot of killing.Obviously, Sandpoint, Idaho, is a very much calmer place than Chicago, and I'm not saying that people in Chicago should be allowed to just tote guns in their cars the way many can, and do, in North Idaho.But my point is that there is nothing easy or simple about the relationship between gun control and crime. If a man had started shooting in a crowd in North Idaho, probably several men in the crowd would have shot him down immediately. Maybe a woman, too.I'm not for vigilante law enforcement. But I am also not for government disarming everyone but criminals.I have never understood the flaw in the argument that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. And, of course, there are already laws against murder.The whole problem of guns and killings is complex, and saying "gun control," or being angry at the NRA simply does not get us very far.I wish I had a better solution, but I don't, and as far as I know neither does anyone else."
As an opener, Ben Stein says,
“…let’s start with a few facts.” And that’s exactly what he did: started with
only a few facts, not all of them. Yes, what he said is correct, however, it is
intentionally taken out of context, which renders the outcome false.
First, he narrowed down his
“almost no gun deaths” to one sparsely populated podunk North Idaho county.
Then, he compared it to three densely populated major cities – Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington,
If he compared whole states with
tight gun regulation to whole states with loose gun regulation, a complete statistic of America, he would find, for a fact,
less gun regulation results in more gun death. Did I mention that was a fact? But if you cherry-pick specific
places that fit your narrative, you’re either lying or a fucking moron. Which
are you, Ben?
Did you know that no Americans
were killed on the Moon? There are even less gun restrictions there than in
America, but there isn’t a gun problem there at all. Why is that? Obviously,
there’s no need for gun restrictions.
Then, he jumps directly to the
right-wing fear-mongering lie that the government wants to “disarm everyone but
criminals.” Just fuck you, Ben Stein.
And “being angry at the NRA” will
get us far. The NRA leadership is fully responsible for buying and threatening
politicians to get what they want. Which is not even what their membership
“I wish I had a better solution,
but I don’t, and as far as I know neither does anyone else.” A better solution? Aside from the fact that he hasn’t
presented any solution at all, other than continuing to completely ignore the
problem, also ignoring the logical ideas that others have presented does not
mean that none were presented.
As we know, Republicans ignore
what they disagree with.
And no, Ben, nothing is easy about
the relationship between gun control and crime. But for decades, you and other
assholes like you have insisted that we should do nothing about it except give
more guns and more ammo to more people. That’s your solution. Let people who
shouldn’t have guns continue to get them because their rights are greater than
those who wish to not die from them. You enjoying the highest gun death rates
in the industrialized world, Benny?
Or, is it just about protecting
the gun industry’s corporate profits?
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Here is a fine, upstanding,
law-abiding, responsible citizen with a concealed carry permit.
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Sean Faircloth, Dir. of
Strategy & Policy, Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science --
Is opposition to gun control
a religion? Read TEN arguments (based on reason and evidence?) offered against
gun control since yesterday's mass slaughter:
1) Prohibition of alcohol
didn't work -- avoiding the fact, based on strong evidence, that restricting
guns DOES work in country after country.
2) Cars (used for
transportation) are dangerous -- therefore there should be unlimited access to
machines, the only purpose of which is killing. (This is like saying, since car
transport is dangerous, we should allow cigarettes in closed spaces. Huh?)
3) The Oklahoma City bombers
didn't use guns. In other words, "Because handfuls of people sometimes
commit terrorist acts, acts that take long-term planning, we want to make sure
it's legal to shower America with guns so that spontaneous acts of violence are
common and the killing can be done with great efficiency on the spur of the
4) "A well-regulated
militia" means making sure any random person can get semi-automatic
5) A nut in China injured
school children with a knife, therefore in America we want to make sure a similar
person can kill -- not injure -- kill -- and kill easily and, if they choose,
kill in large numbers, on the spur of the moment, whenever someone flies into a
jealous rage or psychotic state.
6) It's about insanity not
guns -- this argument is apparently based on the hypothesis that Americans are
a lot more insane than the British, Australians, French and the people of many
other developed countries where guns are restricted and far fewer people die
from guns.
7) Teachers and (some have
actually said this!) children should have guns in school -- despite the fact
that the Connecticut killer's mother owned the semi-automatics that
the killer used to kill his own mother and so many children.
8) Dictators from an earlier
time used gun control, therefore the success of gun control in modern
democracies should be ignored.
9) Mike Huckabee says it's
because we don't have prayer in school which is as intellectually strong as
arguments 1 through 8. [I would like to add that prayer is in Churches and God
didn’t prevent priests from raping thousands of boys over the years.]
10) Finally the classic: it
is disrespectful to the children who died to discuss methods of preventing
similar killings. (Huh?) Where are the arguments based
on logic and reason that address the success of gun laws in major democracies
like Germany, France, Spain and Australia? Or is religious gun worship enough
until the next time a mass murder occurs. Meanwhile, every week, individuals
are killed in some jealous rage in far greater numbers than in other
industrialized societies -- with the use of machines designed for the efficient
and spontaneous killing of humans. If there are non-religious arguments,
evidence-based arguments, against gun control, please offer the evidence. That
is fair game, but emotional rants and straw men are not reason and science.
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The only people politicizing mass
murders are the ones saying we can never talk about gun control. It’s the
right-wing form of Politically Correct silencing.
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It’s true. Now is not the time to talk of gun control.
Because that time has long since passed.
Why do gun lovers, who incessantly cite the Second Amendment
as their reason that everyone should have guns no matter what without any
restrictions, never seem to recall the part about that right being “well
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
I caught this poster on Facebook the day after I wrote this:
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This is a collage of topics post,
but there’s a large section on gun control in it. I originally posted it in
July after the Aurora, Colorado mass murder.
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Sean Faircloth, Dir. of Strategy
& Policy, Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science --
Consider the following views from
three of America's most prominent Christians:
1) Dr. James Dobson said God
"has allowed judgment to fall upon us. I think that's what's going
on." Dobson associated the mass murder of children with God's reaction to
support for gay marriage, women's choice, and secularism.
2) Mike Huckabee (who later
modified his statement -- after bad press) said we've "removed god from
our schools" so "should we be so surprised that our schools become a
place of carnage?"
3) Newt Gingrich: "When you
have an anti-religious, secular bureaucracy and secular judiciary, seeking to
drive God out of public life, something fills the vacuum."
Perhaps reason, compassion and
action -- action to help prevent similar horrors in the future -- is a better
approach than that of these ostentatiously Christian men. We should be thankful
that many Christians find the views of these men utterly contemptible. Let us
hope reason and compassionate action prevails. When Dobson said fall upon
"us", it seems that Dobson's form of judgment fell on little children
and brave teachers more than it fell on James Dobson.
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Rachel Maddow talks to Pittsburgh councilman Ricky Burgess
about the NRA’s devastating effects on his city.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
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Now, to cleanse your palate, the best thing I’ve seen all
Best friends
* *
Be careful out there.
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