You can have your gun bought back. Not your life.
Or am I missing something…
Gun buy backs are meant to lower the amount of guns floating
around in society. It is meant to lower death rates. It has worked in other
countries. But that’s only if you’re susceptible to believing in facts. Why are
Americans so arrogant (stupid) to think more guns are safer than less?
Criminals break into houses and cars and find people’s guns all the time.
A gun in the home has been linked to higher rates of homicide, suicide and accidental death.
It's true that guns in the home are used against invaders. However, for every successful home defense, there are an average of 7 murders + 11 suicides + 4 accidental shooting deaths.
In 2011, there were 10 times more people shot and killed in arguments than a civilian stopping a crime.
Approximately 1% of Americans reported defending their home with a gun. However, over 50% of that 1% used their gun aggressively to escalate an argument without a need to.
A study done in Philadelphia found that an assault victim being shot were 4.5 times higher if they carried a gun - being killed were 4.2 times higher.
In 2010, women were shot by husbands, boyfriends, and ex-partners 6 times more than murdered by a stranger.
Women in states with higher gun ownership are murdered 4.9 times more than states with lower gun ownership.
Then, there’s this…
Not one of these were the acts of “criminals.” All could
have been prevented if someone had participated in a gun buy back program. Or had not purchased a gun in the first place.
Here's one that closing the internet loophole would have prevented:
One for the animal lovers:
I wonder how many more stories I would find if I kept looking.
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Let me guess, Wayne LaPierre: We need an accidental shooting by a good guy with a gun to stop an accidental shooting by a bad guy with a gun?
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19,392 Gun Suicides
+ 606
Unintentional Gun Deaths
19,998 Deaths That Could Have Been Greatly Reduced Through A
Buyback Program (not counting the guns used in Criminal Homicides that were taken from homes since that isn't calculated)
Believing that participating in a gun buy back won’t help
prevent death is arrogant, stupid and dangerous.
And, apparently, the 'Merican way.
Good day.
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Wait for the sad hammerhead shark to show up.
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