Wha - ?
Oh, sorry about using that math symbol, Republicans. It
means ‘greater than.’ And it’s meant as a direct dig at your mental acuity.
Wha - huh?
Oh, sorry again. Acuity means ‘keenness of thought or
I called you a fucking idiot.
These are all accomplishments that you Republicans ignore or
deny about President Obama and his administration. As well as Democratic Party
achievements and other facts in general.
I know, I know. The effort of all that obstructing. And for
what? Well, that depends on how well your voter suppression tactics turn out.
I’m guessing you hope it’s as good as it was in 2000.
Enjoy if you like facts. Deny if you don’t…
Obama’s approval rating is the highest it’s been since 2009,
with 53% and on an upward trend.
Housing construction jumps to a 4-year high.
The unemployment rate went below 8% this month to 7.8% -
better than expected. Right-wing turdfuckers are claiming the Obama Chicago
Political Machine (whateverthefuck that is) manipulated the numbers. Because
they’re turdfuckers. Let me pose this obvious question: How come, when last
month, the unemployment rate was worse
than expected, the same turdfuckers didn’t claim the Obama Chicago Political Machine manipulated the numbers? Or, why didn't the "Obama Chicago
Political Machine" manipulate the numbers every month for the past 4 years? And
how come when the unemployment rate was above 8% for 43 consecutive months,
they never thought the numbers were manipulated? Why are Republicans hoping the
economy is worse than it is? OK, so it was more than one question.
Anti-American turdfucking Republicans. Fuck you.
Rachel does a great job explaining this right-wing delusion…
Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Well, Republicans are right about one thing, though. Obama
is the worst President ever. If only he
ever accomplished anything in four
years, maybe he would be like the second or third worst. But NO. He’s THE.
is all he’s done.
Wait. Maybe Republicans meant he’s the blackest President ever. Yeah. That explains it better. Or maybe
they meant he’s the worst at not failing even though every effort was made by
Republicans to prevent him from accomplishing anything. That also makes sense.
Oh, well. Maybe we’ll never know what they mean.
Hmm. What else are Republicans denying that President Obama
has done?
On Meet The Press, Romney said, “The president hasn’t drawn
us any further away from a nuclear Iran. That’s his greatest (foreign policy) failure.”
He claimed Obama made the mistake of trying to compromise with Iran. “I will
have a very different approach with regard to Iran,” including “crippling
sanctions that should have been put in place long ago.”
Crippling sanctions? Yeah, that WOULD be a good idea for the
President to impose on Iran. If only –
Oh, wait-
So, in essence what Romney said was, "The President is doing a terrible job. I plan on doing what he is already doing. I can expertly juggle three viewpoints on the same subject. I am the ass commander on a toot-toot canoe who blathers on in oceans of meaningless word-salad circles; some would say as well as Sarah Palin. And that is as Palin as the nose on my face. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. I have produced oral jocularity. Ha."
For Republicans claiming Obama has no plan in response to those claiming Romney has no plan:
And yes, Romney still has no plan. At least nothing with any
specifics. The only hints at his plan are the 17 Bush/Cheney people he has
brought on board his campaign. Good luck with that.
Romney/Ryan 2012
Taking America Forward by Taking America Backward
That’s probably the most the Republicans can ignore all at once. Hahahaha! No, it isn’t.
A standard Republican talking point is that Democrats GROW
the size of government and Republicans SHRINK the size of government.
Historically, the polar OPPOSITE is true. This trend holds true under President
Obama’s administration as well. He shrunk it even more than Lord Reagan.
Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Hmmm. What else? What else? OH! You know how Republicans
keep saying Obama has made America weaker in the eyes of the world? Well, not
According to the eyes of the world.
According to the eyes of the world.
Republicans keep saying Obama sucks in regard to his support
of Israel and that they will do better. Hmm. I’m sure they’re not lying or anything, but
what do the Israelis themselves think of Obama?
Here’s a bit of general fact-ignoring:
Republicans are not good at creating a strong economy. They
are, however, fantastic at weakening the economy. Instead of basing your
beliefs on hollow rhetoric or blind team support, base them on historical fact.
Then there’s that “Tax & Spend” meme the Republicans
like to use when describing Democrats. The truth?
Oh, history. Is there
nothing you can show us that Republicans won’t ignore?
According to a study done by Washington University, the
abortion rate fell 61% among a group of 9,000 mostly poor and uninsured women
when they were given birth control for free. The rate dropped 81% for the teen
birth rate. The drop in cost to cover the elimination of unwanted pregnancies
was greater than the cost of the free birth control – the majority of which
were expensive but more effective IUD’s or other implants.
For those of you slow on the math – it’s cheaper to provide
the free birth control than it is to provide the abortions.
If you’re an anti-abortion/anti-free contraception activist,
you’re actually fighting to cause more abortions. What would actually help to curb the
amount of abortions would be access to birth control without co-pays – just
like the provision in Obamacare. Another reason for Obamacare.
But then, these are facts. I’m sure the right-wing isn’t
interested in the slightest.
Eli and Seth Lovell
Twin Brothers and Veterans Who Support
President Obama
The Winston Salem Journal has not endorsed a Democratic
candidate for President since Lyndon Johnson in 1964. The newspaper has
endorsed President Obama.
A Mormon newspaper in a Mormon city in a Mormon state
endorses Barack Obama for a second term. Just like they did for a first term.
Please read:
68 Nobel Prize winners
endorse Obama.
And Robert Redford.
And Colin Powell (But it's probably just a black power thing, right Sunununununununu? )
And the New Yorker. And the Las Vegas Sun. And the LA Times. And the San Antonio Express. And the San Francisco Examiner. And the Philadelphia Inquirer. And the Muskegon Chronicle. And the Washington Post. And the Sacramento Bee. And the Charleston Gazette. And the Youngstown Gazette. And the Detroit Free Press. And the Toledo Blade. And the San Jose Mercury News. And the Lexington Herald-Leader. And the Hartford Courant. And the NY Times.
Some liberal-leaning, some conservative-leaning. All major papers.
To be fair, Willard Rmoney has the backing of the Cincinnati Enquirer, the Des Moines Register, the LA Daily News, the Detroit News, The Nashua Telegraph, the Quad City Times, the Southern Illinoisian, the Northwest Herald and the Daily Herald.
Some conservative-leaning, others conservative-leaning. Two major papers. One of them has its editorial head up its editorial ass.
And no, I didn't spell Rmoney wrong.
Some liberal-leaning, some conservative-leaning. All major papers.
To be fair, Willard Rmoney has the backing of the Cincinnati Enquirer, the Des Moines Register, the LA Daily News, the Detroit News, The Nashua Telegraph, the Quad City Times, the Southern Illinoisian, the Northwest Herald and the Daily Herald.
Some conservative-leaning, others conservative-leaning. Two major papers. One of them has its editorial head up its editorial ass.
And no, I didn't spell Rmoney wrong.
Lawrence gives us some history behind the track record of presidential endorsements regarding the Des Moines Register. Quite illuminating.
Are there any other facts Republicans ignore just to falsely
accuse Obama of something?
Yes. Yes, there are.
Yes. Yes, there are.
The free phone program wasn't started by Reagan, Bush,
Clinton, Li’l Bush or Obama. It was started during the Reagan administration in 1984 at the direction of
congress and the FCC, and is funded with fees collected from telephone
carriers, who then collect a portion from their paying telephone customers. The
intent was to provide basic communication abilities to lower income people,
which was hard in rural areas where there are no phone lines. With the lower
cost of wireless communications, the plan moved to providing basic cell phones.
It's some of the recipients of the phones, like the lady in Cleveland that was
featured in a Drudge report video, who misattribute their free phones to
Obama. But far be it from right-wing hackery to pass up an opportunity to
incorrectly blame Obama for something bad. Even if it’s actually something
The right-wing media. Totally credible reporting. A beacon of journalistic integrity.
The right-wing media. Totally credible reporting. A beacon of journalistic integrity.
An excellent description of Obama that Republicans lovey-love to ignore in
order to push the lie that he’s a liberal, socialist, communist, Marxist:
Republicans keep ignoring history and say Obama’s incredibly
high 35% tax rate is killing jobs. Eisenhower’s 91%, Reagan’s 70% and Clinton’s
39% tax rates all disagree. As do the record-breaking corporate profits of the
last three years.
But then, Republicans are really more into Party rhetoric
than they ever were facts, so this doesn’t really matter, now does it?
Robert Reich - 7 Lies
And on the “killing jobs” note…
Republican businessmen, making stupid business decisions
while pretending to be good businessmen just to get Obama out of office. All
the while ignoring the bajillions in record profits the corporate world has
made under Obama’s “reign of socialism.”
The Olive Garden & Others Making Bad Business Decisions
Due to Obama
@JohnFugelsang /
Caffeinated #14
Tell your friends, all your right-wing friends, their
conspiracy that Obama is receiving foreign money for his campaign is completely
false. Sure, they’ll ignore you, but at least you’ve done your Patriotic duty.
Just think what America could achieve with 100% Republican
cooperation instead of 100% Republican obstructionism.
This means that under the Obama administration, both the
deficit and the debt has been reduced.
But Republicans will ignore that as well.
Here’s something Republicans LOVE to ignore. Uh, in
public, that is. But in private – well…
Hypocritical Republicans have always endorsed stimulus programs, pointing out how great they are for jobs and the economy. They are ONLY against them when Obama does them.
But no, their plan isn’t to deliberately fuck America just to make Obama look
And just who is it that benefits the most from socialism?
Who votes against their best interests the most? Good questions. Republicans
are more than happy to ignore them.
Why Obama Now
** **
And Rachel lays out the list of President Obama's accomplishments of the last four years. The actual ones, not the fictional ones of the angry, uppity "foreigner" that the Republican Party has invented to run against. Please watch.
If you Republicans had a hard time believing any of these
facts, I can’t wait for your response to my science post.
In no way is this list comprehensive of all the facts that
the right-wing denies. Even added to the 114 other posts on this blog, it’s
just a small sampling. I would love to stay and explain more, but for now…
Good day.
A Message from The Greatest Generation
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