Republicans love to
hate on President Obama. He’s further to the right than their lord and savior,
Ronald Reagan, but that’s not what’s stuck up their ass about him.
Yeah, it’s because
he’s black.
If it wasn’t, then why
do they hate all of their own policies immediately after Obama endorses them?
Why do they attack policies that were developed and pushed by Republicans for
years, decades?
The Teabaggers, a
fake, corporate-sponsored organization with roots going back to the anti-tax
Reagan era, exploded onto the scene to stop Obama even before any of his
policies were started. Turtle McConnell, in a most anti-American way, claimed
the Republican Party’s #1 priority was to defeat Obama, not help America. Obamacare is a Republican health care plan, developed and
pushed for 20 years by Republicans, implemented in Massachusetts by a
Republican to an almost 90% approval rate – suddenly, it’s socialism. Today, the GOP has decided to hold the 37th vote to repeal it - not at all wasting taxpayer money. They’ve
completely fabricated conspiracy after conspiracy about him – Solyndra, the Fast & Furious, the Benghazi attack
– none of which are remotely true. Basic gun-control measures that were pushed
by Reagan and Republicans for decades, such as background checks, are now
considered anti-constitutional tyranny. Republican Senator Pat Toomey, who
helped craft the gun control bill, even expressed his dismay
about Republicans just obstructing everything Obama does because they don’t
want him to succeed because they don’t like him personally – proving it’s not
about his policies.
And let’s not forget
the birth certificate conspiracy that somehow our government is so inept as to
not determine if he was born here before he hit the campaign trail. A
conspiracy that would need to include time travel
in order for it to work. How many Presidents has that happened to? One. The
black one. You know McCain was born in Panama, right?
If you strip away all
these fake reasons to oppose Obama, then what is the only thing you are left
with? Skin color.
If Republicans
actually gave a shit about the American public instead of focusing on opposing
Obama just because they hate black people (as well as all the rest of the minority groups), then they might have noticed some of
these real reasons over which to be pissed at Obama.
Or do they like these things because mostly they either protect rich
people, or don't affect them, to the detriment of 95% of the citizens of the United States of America? That has been their policy for at least the last 30 years, after all. So, since
they agree with these Obama policies, they manufactured fake reasons to oppose
him just to cover up their racism.
He should be impeached! For what?
He hates America! How?
He's racist! Give me an example.
He trampled the Constitution! When?
He's ruining the economy! But the record breaking DOW.
He's destroying businesses! But the record breaking corporate profits.
He's on a spending spree! But spending is the lowest since the 50’s.
He's raising taxes! But they're the lowest since the 50’s.
Rachel Maddow excellently explains a good deal of this fucktarded right-wing nut-job conspiracy nonsense in a segment brilliantly titled "Concocting the Dots.":
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Republicans don't need proof, they just need to have the lies they make up about Obama repeated. Again, Rachel Maddow points out that Republicans have been calling for Obama's impeachment since a month after he took office in January of 2009. Of course, they also admitted they didn't have a reason to impeach him, they said they'd figure that out later:
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Having presented a good deal of Republican lies in which they use to engorge their racist, raging hate-on for Obama, here are real reasons over which to actually be pissed at him:
Obama signed this...
Obama picked him...
Obama made permanent
over 80% of the Bush Tax Cuts:
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Budget Deal Makes Permanent 82 Percent of President Bush’s Tax Cut
Obama keeps claiming he can’t shut down Guantanamo because of the obstruction by the right-wing cunts in Congress, but he’s lying:
Slate: President Obama Can Shut Guantanamo Whenever He Want
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Budget Deal Makes Permanent 82 Percent of President Bush’s Tax Cut
Obama keeps claiming he can’t shut down Guantanamo because of the obstruction by the right-wing cunts in Congress, but he’s lying:
Slate: President Obama Can Shut Guantanamo Whenever He Want
Obama has almost
always approached the bargaining table by conceding almost everything before
Republicans demand it – if they even demand it – and Republicans still haven’t
and won’t give him anything in return. Ever. Obama has started negotiations by
either completely giving up or watering down these items instead of fighting
for them: Public Option, Chained CPI, Medicare, Social Security, Bush Tax Cuts,
minimum wage, pre-K education, changed the raising of taxes on incomes from
$250,000 to $400,000, welfare, etc, etc. Luckily for the American people,
Republicans hate Obama so much that they often shoot themselves in the foot by
instinctively turning down his offers to screw us. ‘Obama wants it, so we say
Obama is highly
aggressive in going after whistleblowers. He has indicted more people under the
Espionage Act than all other Presidents combined. This is in an effort to scare
people from talking to the press. First Amendment, anyone?
Obama has upped the
enforcement of draconian pot laws, which only serves to fill the coffers of the private prison-industrial complex and ruins lives over non-violent offenses.
Obama has severely
upped the deportation of undocumented workers – has done so more than any other
President, ruining lives for nothing except maybe harming the economy.
Obama classifies you
as a terrorist if you were standing near one when you were killed collaterally
with a drone strike.
*** *** ***
Obama is against the
morning after pill age-limit availability based on political bullshit, not
science. NY Times: Judge Refuses to Drop His Order Allowing Morning-After Pill for All Ages
*** *** ***
As for the IRS
targeting conservative Teabag groups, a few points: 1.) A whole bunch of groups
were applying for 501(c)4 status – meaning, tax free. To be a tax free
organization, you need to be a group promoting social welfare and NOT political
activism. 2.) A slew of conservative groups who were trying to get rid of the
IRS so they no longer have to do their patriotic duty and pay taxes, want to shrink the
size of government, get rid of unions, fight gun control, and get rid of Obama
have nothing to do with social welfare and are completely political. 3.) Of the
300-ish groups that were asked some extra questions, only 75 were Conservative.
4.) ALL of the conservative groups were still granted their tax-free status.
5.) The ONLY organization NOT granted tax free status, was the Maine chapter of Emerge America – a fucking democratic organization.
6.) The ACTUAL scandal is that the IRS granted these political organizations
tax-free status. 7.) The IRS should have gone after bigger groups like Karl
Rove’s Crossroads GPS.
Not a scandal.
However, if the
Republicans didn’t filibuster the appointing of the head of the IRS, maybe the
organization would be more organized.
Oh, then there’s this:
As for the Associated
Press wiretapping scandal, that seems fucked up, and the investigation is still
on-going, so I’ll leave that as pending.
However, I will point out that Republicans filibustered a media shield law
that would have protected the AP. AND, they love this story on FOX “News” – I
wonder why they weren’t outraged and didn’t cover the story of their boss
illegally wiretapping a dead girl’s phone, celebrities’ phones and politicians’
phones and bribing police? AND it seems the Republicans are the ones who demanded the AP wiretap investigation, so... yeah. No Obama scandal.
*** ***
What happens while
progressives do nothing:
I’m anxious to see how the Republicans handle Madam President Clinton.
Good day.
UPDATE: Turns out the reason for the attack on Benghazi WAS due to the video, according to the captured suspect, so Obama's not even wrong on that one. Impeach him anyway!
dailykos: NYTimes: Captured Suspect Said Benghazi Attack was Revenge For Anti-Islam Video
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Fuckin' Obama!
Sorry. I meant, "Fuckin' Reagan!"
Oh, wait...
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I'm not the only one who notices the racism...
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Maybe it’s not racism.
Maybe it’s just that Republicans are completely stupid and incompetent. I mean,
if everything they bash Obama for doesn’t really exist, what other than
stupidity or blind hatred could it be?
No. It’s racism.
To that point, HERE
is a nice collection of racist posters that I put together in a recent blogpost.
You don’t have to read the post, just scroll down a bit for the posters.
I wish liberals weren't such pussies. Maybe they'd actually fight for something they believe in.
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It's so nice to see someone succinctly lining all of the accurate information in their head and thinking the same thing I am. It drives me nuts sometimes when I see misinformed people spreading further lies and discord, when the irony is that they just don't have enough knowledge about the situation in the first place to open their mouth.(referencing common memes and fb posts) I love your blog. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Megan!