Alright. Here’s the conversation I said was coming up in my 15 Differences
post. Again, not only are both parties NOT the same, but NO information about
EITHER party (or anything else, for that matter) is accurate when gathered from
within the ‘bubble’ on ‘Bullshit Mountain.’ One source of information will
never be correct. Especially if it’s FOX “News” since they lie. About everything. Yes, always.
It amazes me how EVERYTHING this guy believes is based on
fantasy. Of course, when his proof
consists of simply stating, “HAHAHA! What a laugh! That’s not true, you
Kool-Aid-drinking Leftie,” and then changing the subject, what else could you expect?
Why do we give the idiots a chance to lead? Idiots vote for
My understanding is that it is virtually - not completely -
but virtually impossible to be an intelligent human being and also vote for one
of these morons.
It goes both ways, brother. Yes, there are some real
dipshits on my side of the fence. But your side make the heterosexual AIDS
scare MUCH bigger than it has turned out to be. MUCH bigger. Same with Global
cooling in the 70s, the nuclear arms race of the 80s and the global warming
craze of today. Remember, your idiot is in the White House at this moment. What
a legacy he's leaving... [You
kind of get the feel of where this is going right from the start, don’t you?
Claim ‘Both Parties are the same!’ and add a whole bunch of other topics (none
of which are true, though) to lessen the magnitude of the stupidity of that
AIDS comment.]
It's hard to have a legacy when you don't have any compromising
individuals to work with. [I get it, be nice. He is
your friend, after all.]
[He’s not my friend, though.]
[He’s not my friend, though.]
Bill Mancuso
There is no "heterosexual AIDS scare." There is
only an AIDS scare. "Global Cooling" was a tiny fringe theory that
the vast majority of scientists laughed at in the 70's, but Republicans like to
play it up because they always play up nonsense since no real facts back up
their nonsense. Educated Americans and the rest of the world do not believe Reagan's nuclear threat was tiny, but you'd
have to have a knowledge of actual facts that exist outside the right-wing
denial/revision of history. Between 1990 and 2012, almost 24,000 papers were
written about climate change - 14 of them deny man has been influencing it. [I meant to type 24, not 14. And it’s really 23, not 24.
So, sue me.]
And yes, what a legacy that idiot Obama is leaving:
Affordable Health Care
Wall Street Reform
Ended the War in Iraq
Drawdown of War in Afghanistan
Eliminated Osama bin laden
Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry
Cut Deficit in Half
Lowest Spending in 50 Years
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Recapitalized Banks
Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
Toppled Moammar Gaddafi
Reversed Bush Torture Policies
Improved America’s Image Abroad
Established a New Cyber Security Office
Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded
Pell Grant Spending
Created Race to the Top
Boosted Fuel Efficiency Standards
Increased Support for Veterans
Created Conditions to Begin Closing Dirtiest Power Plants
Passed Credit Card Reforms
Eliminated Catch-22 in Pay Equality Laws
Improved Food Safety System
Achieved New START Treaty
Signed Serve America Act
Expanded Wilderness and Watershed Protection
Ended the Previous Practice of Forbidding Medicare from
Negotiating With Drug
Manufacturers for
Cheaper Drugs
Gave the FDA Power to Regulate Tobacco
Pushed Federal Agencies to Be Green Leaders
Passed Fair Sentencing Act
Invested Heavily in Renewable Technology
Consumer Protection
Ended Previous Policy of Offering Tax Benefits to
Corporations Who Outsource Jobs
Crafting Next-Generation School Tests
New Policy to Promote Federal Hiring of Military Spouses
Cracked Down on Bad For-Profit Colleges
Improved School Nutrition
Ended Previous Policy of Awarding No-Bid Defense Contracts
Expanded Hate Crimes Protections
Children’s Health Insurance Authorization Act
Expanded Stem Cell Research
Provided Payment to Wronged Minority Farmers
Helped South Sudan Declare Independence
Limited Salaries of Senior White House Aides
Ended Media Blackout on War Casualties
National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform
Shit, I could go on.
Then Republicans gained a majority in the House and
obstructed every single attempt at progress, instead desiring to return America
back to the glory days of the Confederacy. Which must account for that lowest
recorded approval rate in history. [9%]
Now, THAT is a legacy.
[As to the fear of Reagan and his global nuclear threat, this song expressed that fear by everyone in the world outside of America...]
How's that Kool-Aid, Bill? You sell it well. If you were
being truly honest about any of your list you'd be giving a lot, LOT of credit
where credit is due. To the guy who paved the way for MUCH of what Obama has
been able to do: Bush. But I don't expect that of Lefties. Being on the Left
means never having to admit where you're wrong or say you're sorry.
[Classic. I always forget that
when anything good happens, Republicans directly or indirectly are responsible.
And anything bad that happens, Democrats are directly responsible. Budget
surplus: Reagan. 9/11: Clinton. Recession: Obama. Bin Laden executed: Bush.]
Bill Mancuso
And there's the problem with blind, obedient right-wing
followers such as yourself, Ishua: I stated simple facts that are irrespective
of Party ideology. Since these unbiased facts completely negate your distorted
right-wing view of reality, you believe they are "Lefty." They are
not. You also perceive me as a "Kool-Aid Drinking Lefty" because I
don't agree with right-wing extremism, such as yourself. You would be wrong.
Right-wingers believe facts are liberal biased. They are not; it just happens liberals
are more receptive to facts than conservatives. Which, again, might account for
that lowest recorded Republican approval rate in history. But ignore that
unbiased fact and call me a Kool-Aid drinker again if it makes you feel better.
Unless you think the polls are biased or liberal skewed - just ask President
Romney - ooh, yeah. No.
But my favorite is when right-wingers proclaim both Parties
to be equally fucked up. That's the closest they get to admitting the
Republican Party is fucked up - without admitting it. 'Yeah, we may be fucked
up, but so are you just the same!!!!' Let's see, Democrat fuck up: Health care
website is glitchy. May take 2 months to fix. Republican fuck up: Ignore
terrorist attack warnings for 8 months, then let terrorist attack happen,
killing 2,977 people. Promote horrible National Security Advisor who presided
over biggest attack on American soil since 12/7/41 to Secretary of State. Then
lie the U.S. into invading another country for no reason, killing a couple
hundred thousand citizens plus over 4,000 more Americans. Yeah, both Parties
are equally screwed up. Oh, also which one of those "equal" events
are the Republicans launching an investigation into? Yeah, the one for which
Bush paved the way.
Speaking of which - Bush paved the way for Obama. Good one.
I like how you didn't address anything I said, instead just made a hollow
statement and didn't back it up with any facts. Not that there are any to back
up your hollow statement. You didn't sell it well. You didn't sell it well at
Then, there's your classic projection: Lefties never admit
when they're wrong or say sorry. Yup. Like Republicans who have 8 kids on
Medicaid but denounce Medicaid for everyone else then explain why it's ok for
the Republican but not for anyone else? THAT kind of never admitting when
you're wrong or saying sorry? Or being a hypocritical flaming bag of shit.
[As for “Being on the Left means
never having to admit where you're wrong or say you're sorry,” I forgot to ask
him: What about Obama accepting the blame for Benghazi, even though it wasn’t
his fault? What about Hillary also taking the blame for Benghazi even though it
wasn’t her fault? What about the first 3 years of Obama’s presidency when
Republicans kept accusing Obama of going on an “Apology Tour,” even though he
didn’t? What about this best-selling book:
Ah, missed opportunities. He
would have ignored it and changed the subject anyway.]
Bag of shit? Wow, you're classy, too. You really enjoy the
anonymity of the web, don't you, Bill? Call names because you don't have to
look me in the eye. Charming.
Ok, here we go: and just to be clear I never called Obama an
idiot. He's a well-meaning fool.
[This was the first time ever
in the years of my debating right-wingers that my points were each responded
to. Most of them, anyway. It
surprised me and actually made me momentarily think I did poor research before
posting. Then I looked again closely at his responses.]
And yes, what a legacy that idiot Obama is leaving: [Apparently, he thinks when I reference him calling Obama
an idiot, I’m the one who said it.]
Affordable Health Care - If the roll-out of a $650,000,000
piece of shit website is any indication as to how the rest of this bill will
work then we're fucked as a nation. The problem is if you're right then we're
all ok. But if you're wrong then we've got a long way to go.
Wall Street Reform - Not on your life. Yes BOTH parties are
in it all the way up. If you can't see that then you're a fool, too. Just look
at the net worth of our elected "public servants" before they enter
public service and compare it to their worth when they leave. No comparison.
And how about the STOCK Act? Repealed while you and I were sending good vibes
to everyone in Boston. Wall Street reform? Ok, sure...
Ended the War in Iraq - On the timeline that Bush had
already established.
Drawdown of War in Afghanistan - Same.
Eliminated Osama bin laden - Based on the information gotten
from KSM as a result of the "torture" you cowards want to ban. Way to
play it on both sides, Bill.
Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry - This wasn't as big a
fiasco as it could have been but it certainly wasn't a slam-dunk.
Pay-Go - Also known as tax and spend.
Cut Deficit in Half - HA! This is just funny! Want to
account for that $17,000,000,000,000?
Lowest Spending in 50 Years - See previous.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - This is where your
appreciation of Kool-Aid comes in. What again did ARRA do? What was promised
and what did it do? Right. Nothing.
Recapitalized Banks - Just what our banks needed, government
(see OUR) money.
Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” - Which I support
Toppled Moammar Gaddafi - Wait, WHAT?? Obama did that? That
wasn't the Arab Spring? Did he invent the internet, too? While you're at it
give him credit for inventing electricity.
Reversed Bush Torture Policies - Like?
Improved America’s Image Abroad - How? And then Syria came
along. Fail.
Established a New Cyber Security Office - Cool. Another HUGE
expansion of government. What's that costing us? Is that a part of the
Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded
Pell Grant Spending - Yeah, because education isn't funded enough, right? And
after kids get out of college with $100,000 of they can apply that Women's Studies
degree at McDonald's.
Created Race to the Top - By taxing the top and shipping
jobs overseas. Good one, Barry.
Boosted Fuel Efficiency Standards - Which I support!
Increased Support for Veterans - Yes, the VA is a shining
example of how large government can take care of so many people and make it
affordable. Let's do Obamacare just like that!
Created Conditions to Begin Closing Dirtiest Power Plants -
Good stuff!
I'd continue but I've got too much work to do tonight. You
see I have to make as much money as I can. I mean with 50% of the country not
paying any federal income taxes SOMEBODY has to pay for all the shit you guys
are promising...
Look, Bill. The reality is you and the rest of your Baby
Boomers are seeing the end of the line and you're scared. I understand that.
Much of your lives have added up to less than you expected. You didn't get to
bang Twiggy, play with the Doors or change the world. Your mantra of not
trusting anyone over 30 had to be reexamined because, well, you're all over 30.
Well over 30. And that makes you all hypocrites. The problem is you've never
quite realized that big government, even when you are running it, isn't, and
has never been, the answer. In fact if you put aside your utopian dreams long
enough to read some history you'd realize that every major conflict in the last
100 years was the result of government getting too big. Power corrupts and
absolute power corrupts absolutely. [Why produce
evidence when you can repeat random catch-phrases to “prove” your point?]
The more power you give the government the more you rob yourself, and your
offspring, of a future. [Or repeat random Republican
talking-points that are disproved by facts from the real world.]
One final thought: you might want to tone down your vitriol
a little. Remember, we Republican bags of shit have all the guns.
Bill Mancuso
This is fun. I’m glad you’re trying.
First, let me apologize [See what
I did there? I apologized. Nyah!] if it seemed like I was calling
YOU a hypocritical flaming bag of shit. I was not. [And,
like Barry & Hillz, I apologized for something I didn’t do. Double-Nyah!]
I thought it was clear I was calling Idaho Teabagger candidate, Greg Collett a
hypocritical flaming bag of shit for having 8 kids on Medicaid while opposing
Medicaid for anyone else. I had no reason to call you a hypocrite, especially
since you said nothing that was hypocritical at that point. Were you
intentionally misunderstanding me just to give yourself a false reason to
denounce what I said? That is a Republican Standard Operating Procedure, after
Second, you did, in fact, call Obama an idiot. If you scroll
up, you’ll notice you typed the exact words, “Remember, your idiot is in the
White House at this moment. What a legacy he's leaving...” It is also Republican
Standard Operating Procedure to ignore what everyone (including yourself) says
if you think it furthers your misinformed cause.
Ok. Now, pay attention as I relay non-partisan real world
facts to you, which debunk your right-wing, bubble-manufactured,
self-reassuring misinformation.
Affordable Health Care - you are confusing a glitchy website
that is only one way to check your corporate insurance options with the actual
LAW itself. In the states where Governors implemented it, their websites are
working fine and insurance costs are on an average of 30% - 50% less for more
or equal coverage. In states where Governors refused to implement the program,
all Republican Governors, that forced the Federal Government to come in and
implement the program on their own – which costs the state more money in the
long run. State’s rights, right? And for a fact, the website cost is $174M, but
hey, if it makes you feel better to think it’s $650M, then have at it. It is
the number that was invented within the right-wing bubble, so I wouldn’t expect
you to believe any different. Even Glenn Beck’s ‘The’ debunks the
fake $650M number (a bit out of date – the article came out a couple weeks
And the Obamacare website was only out for THREE WEEKS
before Republicans demanded hearings for why this was “destroying America.”
However, when Bush’s Medicare Part D had the EXACT SAME WEBSITE PROBLEMS, after
FOUR MONTHS they were STILL saying, uh, let’s see…
John Boehner (R-OH): “The implementation has been
horrendous… The good news is that the competition that’s being created has
lowered premiums significantly.”
Nathan Deal (R-GA): “Like most significant problems, the new
benefit has not gone without a few isolated glitches and unexpected problems.
But I believe that if there is anything wrong with the plan, most of it has
been fixed and what hasn’t, can be fixed over time.”
Tim Murphy (R-PA): “Any time there is something new, there
is going to be some glitches.”
Joe Barton (R-TX): “Rather than trying to scare and confuse
seniors, I would hope we can work together as we go through the implementation
phase to find out what is wrong with the program and if we can make some
changes to fix it, let us do it and let us do it on a bipartisan basis.”
Hypocritical flaming bags of shit. Not you, Ishua. The
Republican obstructionists I just quoted. They could work to make the LAW
better, but instead choose to obstruct.
Hearing Problems:
Republicans Begged For Patience After Awful 2006 Medicare
Part D Rollout
And to be clear, this type of screw-up happens EVERY time a
new large undertaking in government occurs. It happened with Social Security.
Now people love it. It happened with Medicare. Now People love it. And EVERY
time, Republicans proclaimed that it’s a big government takeover by SOCIALISM!
Talk about worn out mantras. Listen to this fear-mongering fucktard in 1961 who
got all his fear-mongered “facts” wrong. NOTHING he says exists in countries
with socialized health care:
Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine
[Funny: This video from the Ronald Reagan Library is titled, "Ronald Reagan Speaks Out ON Socialized Medicine." The actual title of the record is, "Ronald Reagan Speaks Out AGAINST Socialized Medicine." Even the Reagan Library is subtly trying to hide the fact that this whole speech is fucking ignorant.]
Record Album Cover
My favorite, all-time fear-mongeringest bullshit from that
fiction is the final line: "We are going to spend our sunset years telling
our children and our children's children, what it once was like in America when
men were free." NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Health care for everyone will take away
my freeeeedoooommmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!
Fucktard. Not you, Ishua. I meant Ronny Ray-Gun.
[I guess all the senior citizens on Medicare today are telling their grandchildren what it was like in America way back when men were free.]
Wall Street Reform – Dodd-Frank and the Consumer Protection
Act. Republicans have done nothing but try to gut or prevent or defund this.
Because the ability of banks and corporations to bilk the people out of as much
money as possible is way more important than the ability of people to make a
decent living and perhaps save a couple of dollars for a rainy day. [I forgot to respond to his STOCK Act statement. Yes, it
is bullshit and I commented on it being bullshit somewhere either on Twitter or
in a previous blog post. I can’t find it. Anyway, one example of bipartisan
bullshittery doesn’t make both Parties equal. Bullshit STOCK Act clearly
explained HERE on a “Liberal” website.]
Ended War in Iraq – Only after Obama said in his stump
speeches during his Presidential run in 2008 that he would have all the troops
out of Iraq by 2012 – which was much lauded by the people – did Bush start
saying ‘Uh yeah 2012 Merica freedom no troops in Iraq no more.” Prior to
Obama’s campaign promise, Bush had no exit date and made no mention of an exit
date. And even then, the Bush administration made no actions toward a
withdrawal. Bush just basically proclaimed “Yeah, what he said.” Of course
Republicans ignore the part they don’t like and give credit to who they want.
Drawdown in Afghanistan – Same.
Eliminated Osama bin Laden – Your right-wing torture
fantasies are sickening. No information was gained by torture – despite the
debunked lies told by Bush, Rice, Rumsfeld and Cheney. Torture doesn’t work.
Torture makes it more difficult to obtain information. But go on believing what
you wish. Despite facts.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry – 1.1 mil jobs saved,
250,000 jobs added – the most growth in a decade; auto industry leaders say
167,000 more jobs are on track by 2015; auto is 20% of jobs in Michigan; GM,
Chrysler & Ford are profitable for first time in 7 years; all auto loans
have been repaid to the government; GM up 14% & Chrysler up 26% from
Cut Deficit in Half – Don’t mistake deficit for debt.
Forbes: The Best Kept Secret In American Politics-Federal Budget Deficits Are Actually Shrinking!
Forbes: The Best Kept Secret In American Politics-Federal Budget Deficits Are Actually Shrinking!
Lowest Spending in 50 Years – You’re right, that’s not true.
It’s actually the lowest spending in 60 years.
MarketWatch: Obama spending binge never happened Commentary: Government outlays rising at slowest pace since 1950s
MarketWatch: Obama spending binge never happened Commentary: Government outlays rising at slowest pace since 1950s
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – If ARRA was so bad,
why did a whole bunch of Republican Governors call press meetings to show off
their giant checks that ARRA provided to them for economic recovery spending?
Oh, right, they pretended it wasn’t Obama’s ARRA but took all the credit for
themselves. Hypocritical flaming bags of shit.
ThinkProgress: REPORT: After Voting To Kill Recovery, 110 GOP Lawmakers Tout Its Success, Ask For More Money
ThinkProgress: REPORT: After Voting To Kill Recovery, 110 GOP Lawmakers Tout Its Success, Ask For More Money
Recapitalized Banks – Bringing in capital at practically no
cost to the federal government is bad? However, I do agree that since then,
banks have only gotten bigger [Three times bigger,
to be precise.] and more of a threat to the economy. We need to
bring back Glass-Steagall. Yeah, I know Clinton repealed it. Fucking capitalists.
Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” - You support bigotry and
suppression of a minority group of people. Well, good for you, bubby.
Toppled Moammar Gaddafi – Yes, it was part of the Arab
Spring. However, the overthrow of the Libyan government was led by Obama and
UN-mandated military forces. Republicans liked to call it “Leading From
Behind.” Military strategists called it “Competent Leadership.”
The Daily Beast: Is Obama Still Weak? The GOP loves accusing Obama of “leading from behind,” but Michael Tomasky says that’s looking pretty good after Gaddafi’s death.
The Daily Beast: Is Obama Still Weak? The GOP loves accusing Obama of “leading from behind,” but Michael Tomasky says that’s looking pretty good after Gaddafi’s death.
Reversed Bush Torture Policies – Like… closing CIA black
sites and banning enhanced interrogation.
Improved America’s Image Abroad – In general: MediaMatters: Facts Puncture The Myth That Obama "Apologies" Have Ruined U.S. Standing
As for Syria – How does that make Obama look bad? First, and
let’s get this straight - no matter what position Obama takes, Republicans take
the opposite and vilify him for it. Obama says he will invade Syria,
Republicans say he shouldn’t. Obama says he will do it without Congressional approval, Republicans demand that he should. Obama says he will get Congressional approval, Republicans say he is weak. Obama says he won’t invade Syria, Republicans say he is weak. Obama gets Syria to not only admit they have
chemical weapons but ALSO gets Russia to do his bidding without costing one
American cent or life – and Republicans say Obama is weak and that Russia is
their new favorite country and fucking Putin is the new greatest world leader.
Republicans are fucking sad and pathetic in their blanket opposition to Obama.
Established a New Cyber Security Office – Huge expansions of
government are apparently bad only when Democrats are in charge. Are you a
hypocrite or do you complain when Republicans massively increase the size of
government, as well? First, expansions of government or “big governments” are
meaningless in regard to effective government function – that’s a right-wing
canard. What counts is how government is run – whom it protects, whom it
doesn’t. Generally, Republicans protect corporate profits. They continually say
they hate government, which is why they run for office – because there is no
better place to dismantle it and protect corporations than from the inside.
Democrats generally protect people, which is why they run for office – because
there is no better place to make government a well-functioning machine than
from the inside. See, government size doesn’t matter, it’s the empathy of those
within. Rich people make middle class people think poor people are the problem
to distract us from the fact that the richest are really the problem by paying
no taxes.
Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded
Pell Grant Spending – You seem to completely misunderstand what this means.
Most of the money was going to banks in the form of interest payments, so now
that they are no longer in the business of collecting huge interest payments
from students, the grants make it so students start out life with less debt. By
your little rant, you seem to want to protect corporate profits over the
well-being of the student. But I would expect no less from a right-winger.
Created Race to the Top – Again, you seem to not understand
reality. What does awarding schools money by creating a contest to reach
educational goals have to do with corporations shipping jobs overseas? I mean,
other than nothing. Repeating the mantra of ‘poor millionaires’ doesn’t mean
anything. They pay less effective taxes than I do. Personally choosing to send
jobs overseas, like they have been for over 30 years has nothing to do with
Obama – but keep blaming him, Republicans will always believe you.
Boosted Fuel Efficiency Standards – Agreement? It does
affect you personally, and without empathy, that’s the only thing Republicans
understand, so it’s not surprising.
Increased Support for Veterans – Obama pushed two jobs bills
for Vets – both of which Republicans filibustered. Obama increased VA budget to
recruit more mental health professionals. Obama expanded Veterans Centers in
rural areas. Obama expanded housing vouchers program for homeless veterans and
a supportive services-housing program to prevent Vet homelessness. Yes, the VA
record-keeping backlog is a clusterfuck, something that began long before Obama
was President. The Obama Administration is trying to work on it, and it is still
a clusterfuck. Good thing Congress is working so well and helping the issue and
not randomly shutting down the government, filibustering and defunding anything
that may hinder progress in this [and every other]
area. But I see you had no effective critique and instead chose to whip out a
straw-man argument about big government and then change the subject to
Obamacare. My attention sure was diverted from the fact that Obama has
increased support for Veterans.
Created Conditions to Begin Closing Dirtiest Power Plants –
Yes, that is good stuff!
And there it is. The “50% of the Country Pays No Federal
Taxes” bullshit. How long were you waiting
to pull that one out? You are correct, but let’s look at context, shall we? Who
isn’t paying Federal Taxes? Retired seniors. The unemployed. Students. The
disabled. Children. People earning below the lowest tax bracket: the poverty
stricken. All of these people pay more in other taxes as a percentage of their
income (if they have income) than this next group who is also not paying ANY
Federal taxes: Giant million & billion dollar profit Corporations such as
Exxon, GE, Bank of America, Valero Gas, PG&E, Tenet Healthcare, Atmos
Energy, Integrys Energy Group, American Electric Power, Con-Way, Ryder System,
Pepco Holdings, Paccar, Computer Sciences, NiSource, Baxter International,
Wisconsin Energy, Duke Energy, DuPont, Consolidated Edison, Verizon,
Interpublic Group, CMS Energy, NextEra Energy, Navistar International, Boeing,
Wells Fargo, El Paso, Mattel, Honeywell International, DTE Energy, Apple and
Another 140 corporations or so pay less than half of their
tax rate, paying an effective rate from 15% all the way down to 1% - excluding
those above who pay NO taxes, of course. And the best part – those corporations
that paid NO taxes – took advantage of so many fucking loopholes that together,
they received a total of $21.8 Billion in returns. What the fuck? Pay NO taxes
AND get a refund? How’s THAT for government handouts? One year of $21.8B in
free corporate handouts could pay Welfare (TANF) to the poor for over TWO
YEARS. (2011 TANF cash assistance was $9.6B)
Remember when I pointed out that rich people were convincing
middle class people that poor people were the problem to distract us from rich
people actually being the problem by paying no taxes? Thanks for helping me to
reiterate my point.
Look, Ishua, the reality is you live within an impenetrable
bubble on top of Bullshit Mountain so you have no idea what is really happening
in the really real world. Turn off FOX “News.” It’s nice to see you drifted off
like a good Republican into more nonsense about banging Twiggy and playing with
the Doors and ‘sad big government utopia-loving Baby Boomers’ to distract from
the fact you have no idea what you’re talking about. Like every major conflict
being about government that is too big. What the hell does that even mean? Stop
with the “big government” canard. It’s meaningless dog-whistle straw-man
nonsense that free-thinkers do not fall for. Only right-wingers within the
bubble believe that. You say it, repeat it and agree with it because no outside
information influences your decision-making ability. And as far as big
government goes, if Republicans hate it so much, why are they the hypocritical
flaming of bags shit who expand it all the time?
Salon: The GOP’s “small government” tea party fraud
Salon: The GOP’s “small government” tea party fraud
Oh, right, big government is only bad when Democrats are in
charge. Silly me, I forgot.
What makes you think I’m anywhere near the age of a Baby
Boomer? Gen X, son.
And your final right-wing statement is to threaten me with a
gun. Like a good Republican, if you can’t use intellect to defend yourself
with, just kill your opposition. Idiocy through superior firepower. I’ll tone
down my vitriol as soon as you grow a pair of brain balls.
Cin Cin.
Okay, gentlemen, and I am using that title loosely for both
of you, since you are, in essence, both great guys who would take a bullet for
friend, even some strangers, but any name calling is not allowed. We can call
the asshats in power whatever we want, but must keep ourselves above their
vitriol and bullshit. I think you guys might actually get along in real world,
non political terms. Just a thought. My main thing I need to ask you both, what
is a solid, comprehensive way to tackle all of these great problems we are
facing? What are the compromises that both sides must make to bring about
realistic steps forward? As for the real world that the three of us live in,
where we don't rely on government support or handouts, next time everyone is in
Los Angeles, I say it's time to fire up the old vaporizer, grab some Oskar
Blues Brewery beers, fire up some wood and have a good old BBQ with some
laughter, words, and general tom foolery.
Gaijin, I have the solution. This is real. The ONLY way to
begin to tackle all of these problems that we are facing is to get money out of
politics. This is not an easy answer or an easy solution because it is going to
require some kind of public funding of campaigns which could be incredibly
complicated. Without this, elections will continue to be decided by those with
the most money, and by that I generally mean corporate money.
Bill Mancuso
We didn't call each other names (other than right-winger or
left-winger, liberal or conservative - which aren't really names but
positions). Ishua mistook me calling Teababber Greg Collett a hypocritical
flaming bag of shit for calling him that. I did not, which I explained. Only
one of us was threatened with violence, though.
So far, the compromises have been to extend the Bush Tax
Cuts, operate far below the Republican budget plan at sequester levels, no
public option, no single payer, no gun control, remove large chunks of the
Voting Rights Act, pretend corporations are people, decrease welfare spending,
decrease government employees, block 17 jobs bills, no DREAM Act, no Anti-Rape
Amendment, no Health Care for 9/11 First Responders, no Wall Street reform, not
closing Guantanamo Bay, etc. - basically every single thing Dems want has been
blocked by Repubs since they won the house in 2010. Democrats compromise on
everything. They mostly have no spine, never fight for their values. Repubs get
basically everything they want, but still can't take "yes" for an
answer and continually threaten the economic security of this nation because
Obama is still A.) the President B.) a Democrat and C.) Black. Until all those
things are finished, Repubs will never compromise - just cause unnecessary problems,
pretend to offer solutions, and blame Obama for the damage that they
unnecessarily caused. But I only base that opinion on five years of solid,
consistent observation.
And yes, Mac is right, large corporate bribes - I mean,
"donations" are a big factor in distorting the democratic process.
Candidates should be allotted an equal amount of money to spend on campaigns -
whether from taxes or disclosed capped contributions, I don't care. Close a
bunch of corporate tax loopholes. Increase the minimum wage to equal 2013
inflation levels instead of leaving it at the 1968 level - which would
naturally result in decreased welfare spending. Increase infrastructure
spending. Decrease military spending - our military is bigger than the next 14
countries. Who exactly are we planning on invading next? Remove the cap on
social security taxation. Give tax breaks to corporations that bring jobs back
to the US. Increase taxes on companies that ship jobs overseas. Increase
spending on alternate energy. Repeal the 2006 law forcing the Post Office to
unnecessarily fully fund its pensions 75 years into the future to force it to
fail so Republicans can privatize it. Stop fucking fracking. Re-implement GHW
Bush's Cap And Trade Act. Re-implement Glass-Steagall. Get religion out of politics.
Repeal all the fake Republican voter fraud laws that don't prevent voter fraud
since it is not happening but only prevents statistically Democratic-leaning
voters from voting. And most importantly - pay attention to what politicians
DO, not what they SAY. People might stop voting against their best interests.
And those ideas are only a fraction of a start.
Oh, and maybe a law that prevents companies from using
unregulated factories in foreign countries that regularly burn down and kill
hundreds of exploited, overworked, underpaid workers. Perhaps call it the Fuck
Those Wal*Mart Cunts Act.
And what he said…
***** ***** *****
Couple of days went by. I was tempted to post, “Bueller…
Bueller… Bueller… Bueller…” Apparently, no one was truly interested in
discussing solutions.
That interruption by Gaijin toward the end to loosely call
both of us gentlemen (and proclaim both parties to be the same) gave Ishua an
excuse to disappear from the conversation and not respond to his verbal
ass-kicking. What burns me is that I never called Ishua a name. But Ishua
pretending I did was taken at face value by Gaijin. I never call my sparring
partners names other than ‘Republican’ or ‘right-winger’ or ‘conservative’ or
the like, because I don’t want them to get upset and leave. I enjoy our little
“talks.” Go ahead, check all my posts. You won’t find one instance. (Not counting what I add afterward about those inept
fuckwits for the post-conversation comments at the end or in blue brackets during, of course.)
Oops. I just realized I called him ‘bubby’ after he
expressed his support of homophobic bigotry. Sorry for lying to you. I have
been exposed as a fraud. Please stop reading my blog.
Also after a couple days, Robert Reich posted this:
The Count Censored
Artist: Sting
Song: Russians
Album: The Dream of the Blue Turtles
Release Date: 1 November 1985
In Europe and America
There's a growing feeling of hysteria
Conditioned to respond to all the threats
In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets
Mr. Khrushchev said "We will bury you"
I don't subscribe to this point of view
It'd be such an ignorant thing to do
If the Russians love their children too
How can I save my little boy
From Oppenheimer's deadly toy
There is no monopoly in common sense
On either side of the political fence
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too
There is no historical precedent
To put the words in the mouth of the President
There's no such thing as a winnable war
It's a lie we don't believe anymore
Mr. Reagan says "We will protect you"
I don't subscribe to this point of view
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
What might save us, me, and you
Is if the Russians love their children too
In Europe and America
There's a growing feeling of hysteria
Conditioned to respond to all the threats
In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets
Mr. Khrushchev said "We will bury you"
I don't subscribe to this point of view
It'd be such an ignorant thing to do
If the Russians love their children too
How can I save my little boy
From Oppenheimer's deadly toy
There is no monopoly in common sense
On either side of the political fence
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too
There is no historical precedent
To put the words in the mouth of the President
There's no such thing as a winnable war
It's a lie we don't believe anymore
Mr. Reagan says "We will protect you"
I don't subscribe to this point of view
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
What might save us, me, and you
Is if the Russians love their children too
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