Thursday, October 10, 2013

Talking Point Argument

Obamacare is already the law. Has been for three years. There is nothing to negotiate.

That doesn’t stop Republicans (or Not-Republicans?) from repeating easily debunked Republican talking points. And this guy is precious. He’ll be in the next blog post, too. That one’s going to be even more fun.

For me.

Anyway, enjoy…


Stewart On Obamacare: 'IT'S A F**KING LAW'

Prohibition was also a law at one point. [The people were against Prohibition. The people are for Obamacare.]

flawed argument Porkins - EVERYONE loves booze! no need for partisan bullshit

Everyone loves freedom as well. This diminishes our freedom to make the choices of health care and insurance for ourselves. [Responds with 100% partisan bullshit.]

Please do not sully my wall with your self-serving "freedom" argument Porkins... ridiculous.

It isn't self serving whatsoever. I have health insurance and an HSA. I am good to go

No Porkins - self-serving to your own argument is what I said. and how wonderful that you have health insurance... so do I. I just happen to think that everyone should have it. [The entire point of Obamacare.]

Bill Mancuso
Obviously, Mr. Porkins, you must give up your health insurance and HSA since your freedom is diminished. Or do you contradict yourself since you do not know what you are talking about since you're just repeating rhetorical talking points and haven't actually looked into what you're so confidently spouting about nonsensically?

Or Bill, I am talking about the freedom that so many others will find diminished by being forced to either purchase the product of health insurance or face a fine/tax from the Federal Government for choosing not to. Nonsense?

Bill Mancuso
You keep using the word "freedom." OK. The freedom for me to pay for people who don't have health insurance is being diminished. The freedom for people who don't purchase health insurance being fined so that money can be applied to keeping health costs down so I don't have to pay as much for their refusal to pay for their own care is being diminished.

You have the freedom to purchase any health care plan you want. You have the freedom to choose your doctor. You have the freedom to willingly take care of yourself.

And you have the freedom to throw around "patriotic rhetoric" that has nothing to do with health care just to fear-monger people into following what you're saying. And I have the freedom to point out that it's nonsense.

[I don't know why I didn't say, "You keep using the word 'freedom.' I do not think it means what you think it means."]

Should people be forced to purchase products because they legally exist in this country or face penalties from the Federal Government?

Bill Mancuso
That is a valid argument. And I agree with you, we should have socialized medicine. But, as of now, we do not. Someone's refusal or inability to take care of their health directly affects me, so they should be penalized so it affects me less. The Republican plan, now known as Obamacare, is not great, but it's a good start. Instead of trying to get rid of it and replace it with nothing, Republicans should try to work on making it better.

They have but Harry Reid openly refuses to sit at the table. They have tried 45 times prior to this. [I haven't the slightest fucking idea where that '45 times' comes from. Unless he means 42 times and thinks voting 42 times to repeal Obamacare equals 'sitting at the table' to work toward a compromise.] Even now they aren't looking to take it apart. They are simply looking to delay the individual mandate and asking the Admin to join the exchanges. Harry Reid and Senate Dems voted it down.

Bill Mancuso
You are repeating a lie. Republicans are not trying to work with Democrats. They only vote to repeal it. 42 times now. Then they lie that Democrats won't work with them. Work with them on what, exactly? The Obamacare bill was passed by a majority in both the House and Senate. The President signed it. It was upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court. The majority of Americans re-elected the President who ran on his signature health care bill. It is the law of the land. Defunding it is considered "working across the aisle?" Repealing it is considered "working across the aisle?" Delaying it is considered "working across the aisle?" What fantasyland do Republicans live in? Republicans had a chance to work with Democrats three years ago but chose not to. Now, it's the law, and they want to do everything they can to get rid of it. That's not compromise. That's obstruction. Now, like a child throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't get what they want, they shut down the government - because they know it will be popular - just like it is in Massachusetts where Romney implemented it to high praise. If they really thought it would be bad, they'd quietly leave it alone, then let the people be upset by it and vote to get rid of it. But they know it will be popular, which will be a political win for the Democrats, and they don't want that to happen. All they're left with now is the political fallout from shutting down the government.

Obama has granted many exemptions with regards to the ACA. The Republicans in the House have asked for one more. To allow individuals to avoid the mandate on them. Simple. The Senate Dems want special treatment for Corporations and Unions and don't want the same treatment for average americans.

Bill Mancuso
You really are caught up in the right-wing cyclone of nonsense, aren't you? The one-year exemptions are for Corps & Unions that have demonstrated that the costs would be higher under the ACA due to the large number of employees/members they cover. This gives a year for them to work with the administration to iron out the kinks - it being a brand new law and all. Delaying it for individuals is pointless. It just gives Republicans another year to put out lie-filled ads to scare people from joining up - which is their whole entire agenda - preventing people from getting affordable health care to the tune of a Democratic political victory. Any other Republican lie you need correcting?

That is complete nonsense. Delaying a mandate doesn't prevent one from joining an exchange. The only thing preventing someone from joining an exchange is the website not working today.

Bill Mancuso
If you don't have fear of a penalty, you are more likely to delay joining the exchange. Not complete nonsense. That tactic isn't rocket surgery to figure out. And as far as the website not working, A) It's from so many people trying to join up or learn about it in states where Republican governors have obstructed as much information about it as possible - like my state. And No worries, you have through March to sign up. You don't have to do it today. Nothing prevented, so also not complete nonsense.

Big government ideas, Ideas so great they have to be mandatory.

Bill Mancuso
Heh. Clever.

And true :)

[Yes. Totally true. If you don't think about it.]

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Later, Iva posted an article about the government shutdown. Porkins returned and there was a long argument between him and someone else. I missed the first 10 hours, but all he did was to just repeat the same argument I had with him above. Here are my comments at the tail end…

1- He is not a Republican, he just only listens to and repeats Republican talking points and never, under any circumstances does any research into them. 2- About the 17 shutdowns: It’s true, but here’s the context: The 15 Democratic shutdowns were for reasons, were not planned and were not always because opposite Parties were fighting. Sometimes it was Dems vs. Dems. The 2 Republican ones (’95-’96 & the current one) were because Republican feelings were hurt and were angry Democrats were in charge. Here is the big headline from the ’95-’96 shutdown:

Three Presidents, Clinton, Papa Bush and Carter sat in front of Air Force One on the way to & from slain Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s funeral in Jerusalem. Gingrich and Bob Dole sat in the back. Gingrich is a self-centered, egotistical bitch, so he shut down the government.

And as for the current situation, Republicans have been gleefully planning this shutdown since before they gained control of the House in 2010. That’s right, this shutdown is because Obama is black. Let’s stop pretending it’s anything other than that.

Rachel Maddow explains their plan in detail. You don’t have to listen to anything that lefty liberal libtard libby lib lib tardy gay lib, Maddow says. Just check out all the video footage & articles & Tweets of Republicans planning to shut the government down for the last three years. And being quite happy about it: 

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Rachel does give the most concise description of Republican mentality I have heard to date:
“There is no mirror image between the two major Parties. There is only one major Party of the two that strives for control in government specifically because that is the place from which you can hurt government the worst.”


Next up is the debt ceiling crisis that Republicans have also been planning. Republicans have been screaming about “out-of-control spending” by Democrats since forever. They keep screaming about how Obama has increased our deficit. Screaming the loudest doesn’t mean you’re correct.

Note: Obama promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. He did not. The right-wing media exploded, went on a never-ending diatribe for months calling Obama a liar. And a Muslim, too, but that’s just for racist reasons and not relevant here, so why did you bring it up? Anyway, the largest recession since the Great Depression and 100% Republican obstructionism contributed to Obama’s failure to keep his campaign promise. That said, it took Obama six extra months to cut it in half. Right–wing media never mentioned it again, but that doesn’t stop Republobotomy recipients from still believing it. The last thing they heard was Obama didn’t do it, so he didn’t do it. Their media never updated them with the latest information, so they’re stuck in outdated information because they never do any research on their own. “Obama didn’t cut the deficit in half” will be the “fact” to them forever and ever and ever, Amen. If you prove them wrong, you’re liberally biased. Case closed. Shut up. De-friended. Blocked. Nyah!

That ^ is a libertarian/conservative website.

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Rescued Baby Hummingbird

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