Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Killer Waste of Breath

Oh, boy.

These Facebook “discussions” I get myself into really do pile up quickly. I put many of them on the back burner until I can revisit them later. Often, a reason will pop up and spur me to finally post an old one. This particular reason popped up six months later – to the day.

This time, a new discussion was similar to an old one, so I glued them back-to-back in this post for two reasons:
1) A common theme – murder
2) The same misogynistic dim-wit is my muse

The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty – and all the shady characters in between. Normally, I would correct the spelling, but in this case it lends to the authenticity and production quality of this episode.


September 23, 2011

Jan shared a link via Marsha
I...I...I...There are no words in my brain or heart for this... While I'm "happy," for lack of a better word, that a life was spared, it sickens me that this wasn't done for Troy Davis. Perhaps my hope of Troy being the last person murdered by execution is coming to pass.

Bill Mancuso
Samuel David Crowe, white, proved beyond a reasonable doubt of armed robbery and murder - shot store manager three times with a pistol, beat him with a crowbar and a pot of paint, pleaded guilty, commuted.

Troy Davis, black, no evidence, 9 conflicting witness stories, 7 recanted, some alleging police coercion, executed.

Hmm. If only I could figure out what the deciding factors were.

Jan - I don't understand why the same people who will fight to spare the lives of convicted criminals [Something to do with state-sanctioned murder that does not in any way prevent future murders and the alleged infallibility of 12 random assholes voting on your guilt based on whose lawyer is a better liar, maybe?] in the same breath will also fight for a women's right to have an abortion... [Something to do with rights and health care, maybe?] I don't know how you stand on that issue but from my experience [The second case of male pregnancy after Arnold Schwarzenegger.] it either for one or the other. Personally I have no problem with the death penalty if a person commits a awful crime like taking the life of another [it is rarely 100% certain – 12 people voting is not infallible] then they should die by the same sword yet a baby's [it is not a baby] only crime is having a mother that doesn't want them [Really? Yes, according to right-wing religious talking points.]. Although I can see why it may be necessary in cases or rape incest. [Ooh. Temporary mini mental-progress.] But I cannot feel bad for a man that was put to death for brutally killing another. If I had my way I would bring back the gallows so every thug would think twice about committing a crime. [Because when we did have the gallows, all murdering stopped.]
Bill Mancuso
You don't see the hypocrisy in what you said, do you, Donald?

Well, Donald, luckily you won't get your way. As I believe we evolved past this thought process. Currently we, as a country, share the same mentality regarding the death penalty as N. Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and several 3rd world countries. Not exactly the company I'd like to keep. It’s not about feeling bad, it’s about murdering a murderer to stop murder. Huh? And for the record, the death penalty has obviously NOT deterred the crimes that would be punishable by the death penalty. And if you can't understand the difference between this and abortion, there is no use explaining it. I do however find it interesting that you think it might be ok to terminate an unwanted pregnancy if the situation calls for it. But, as I've told my sister-in-law, who is very religious, I will forever defend your right to CHOOSE your own thoughts and beliefs and your right to voice them. As long at they don't involve the usual suspects of "evil" and wrong-doing.

Oh and in the Troy Davis case, he truly MAY have been innocent. He denied the killing of Officer McPhail until his last breath and even told the family to keep looking for the real killer.

The death penalty doesn't work because everyone knows if you get the death penalty it could take 20 years. [THAT is why. Everyone knows it. Having a wonderful life in an 8x8 prison cell for 20 years is not a deterrent in and of itself. That’s why people murder with fearless whimsy.]  Hence what I said about the gallows... IIf  [I desperately want to comment on “IIf” but I don't know what IIf is.]

Mr Mancuso I love how it's a race issue... White guys spared and the black guy dies... Give me a beak


Read it and don't weep, Donald. It's white blindness to think it ain't so. The gallows. Yes - the gathering of a crowd to watch people hang to their death. How romantic. How… evolved of you. I suppose we women should stay home, barefoot and pregnant taking beatings from our husbands if we step out of line. Or maybe our children should be hit every time they do something wrong and be seen and not heard. Perhaps the "black folk" should still be slaves? Witch-hunt anyone? Yeah! I heard she was a witch. Let's burn her at the stake! I think you might be more comfortable in perhaps, Iraq or Afghanistan, where they think like you. I believe they finally stopped doing the gallows by the way because of the number of people who were actually innocent and because of how barbaric it was. I think I should be frightened that a mentality like yours still exists. But I'm not. Because lucky for me, there are more like me. People who have evolved spiritually, intelligently. People who know that murdering someone to teach that you shouldn't murder someone is just, well...not the way to go, Donald. And yes, 20 years, as it should be when deciding the fate of a life. All options must and need to be exhausted before state sanctioned murder can take place. Oh, that is if they pass the physical they have to take several hours before their regularly scheduled murder to make sure they are healthy enough to be killed. I will hope that Troy Davis' murder will be the last state approved, pre-meditated murder allowed in this country. I'm sure that will disappoint you but that brings a bit of peace to me.

Bill Mancuso
So, Donald, you see neither the hypocrisy nor the racism in your statements, then?

Jan - so now that I believe in the death penalty that means I am a Racist, woman beating, child abuser ? typical left wing deffence... no point in trying to argue. [Do you know how many times I’ve heard the ‘no point in arguing with a close-minded Liberal’ reaction when a Conservative is confronted with facts? Me neither. I’ve lost count. Wait, how many discussions have I posted so far?]
Bill - don't you see the stupidity in your post?
How much time is given in deciding the fate of a child before it's head is crushed and the brain is sucked down a sink all because the Childs mother made a error in judgment . [Puny stupid human comments making Hulk angry…] Just curious? Call me what you like but I have no problem executing a murderer or child abuser if they are convicted in a court of law... I also suppose you are against peoples right to bare arms?
Bill Mancuso
Not at all. I'm wearing short sleeves right now.

So, you're into premeditated revenge killing like a good Christian, I see.
And I'll take it as a 'no' about noticing the racism & hypocrisy in your statements.
Donald, I find it interesting that you are against abortion but for the death penalty. Just kill them later, I guess. Especially since the majority of killers, thugs and the like come from broken or single-parent (mostly the mother) homes where the parent works their ass off and all they can do is keep a roof over their heads. Or they too are crack heads or thugs on welfare, which I'm sure you hate too.

First, I don't debate abortion with a guy and Second, I don't debate it as I will NEVER decide what is right for the life of the mother or the cells in her womb (I have a kid by the way. Whom I love more than anything on this planet. But I have the luxury of doing that because she was wanted and didn't "ruin my life".) I can't even imagine what it must be like for someone who kept a child because of the abortion/religious issue and hates them. Child abuse anyone?

I too have bare arms right now, Bill :-). But no Donald, I do think we have a right to bear arms. But just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. I do believe, sadly, that for now, it is a "right" (God it seems so insane to compare a "right" to have a gun with a "right" to vote or have freedom of speech or a "right" to choose). I don't have guns as I have a child but I have dogs that will rip your throat out instead :-)
See, Donald...I don't just follow Republican and Democratic dogma on issues. I actually think for myself, as rationally and intelligently as possible have my very own thoughts and opinions.
I love how you said that your lucky you child was wanted and didn't ruin your life ... When are people going to be held responsible for their actions. How about if you can't feed them don't breed them? [Well, that will fit on a bumper sticker.] And as fir right to bear arms . Armed society is a peaceful society... Any thug would think twice about breaking in to my house [So the thug surveys all the homes in the neighborhood to find out who owns guns prior to breaking and entering? Clever thug.] because I also have 3 children whom I love more than anything and would stop at nothing to protect them and my wife. Beside how many crimes are committed by lawful citizens? What the left tries to do is take away our rights to defend ourselves so the criminal are the only ones who will have guns... [Yup. Absolutely.] Cause we all know that Jimmy dirtbag doesn't follow gun laws!!! Forgive me if my autocorrect changes they spelling of my words but then what you you use to make yourself feel superior [I wonder if auto-correct also changes his grammar, sentence structure and level of education?]

And let me get this straight ... It's not ok to kill a convicted killer, murderer, rapist... But it is ok kill a baby if the mom is loose, [Rrr…] or it's ok to kill a man if he breaks into your house by having your dogs rip his throat out? !!!! Ok now I know hypocrisy! Ty Jan for the lesson [Donald doesn’t seem to grasp the concept of being facetious.]
Obviously, I disagree. I'm pretty sure the left doesn't want criminals running around with guns, Donald. Actually, I'm positive on that one. Really? C'mon, man. Think! Think for yourself! And yeah, I feel the same about can't feed ‘em thing. Which is exactly why every person should have a right to CHOOSE. Even under the best circumstance, "accidents" happen. Some people are able to work through it, others are not. I would never presume to know what is going on in someone else's life when it comes to taking care of or bringing another life into this world. I love how you think its because the WOMAN must be loose. Wow, Donald. Wow. [Well, it IS what Republicans are told to think, so, what do you expect.]

Just please, try and THINK, with compassion and peace. If we all did that, I think there'd be a lot less for us all, on both sides to debate :-)
Jan I enjoy a good debate it's the best way to learn both sides... I would debate your friend Bill but anyone who calls someone a racist without really understanding what was said is just plain stupid and simple and not worth my time.. Just what was it that said that makes me a racist? And if you read my comment you would see that yes I can understand where abortion may be needed. I am against it being used for convenience because the baby is a life not just tissue. Hence the loose comment. [If you’re up for some extra-credit reading, check out my last post, “Women Are Stupid.” It hits upon all these topics: Loose women that love getting abortions, my closed mind preventing the enjoyment of further discussion, and poor grammatical skills.]
over 20 years and endless money thrown at this case. Countless appeals and all came to a guilty verdict.... every time. and from what i have read.... a majority black jury. Since when was this guy a saint?
Nick...not saying he's a saint. It’s not about being a saint. It’s not about whether I like him or not. I think if you read this extremely brief info,  you might understand the problems of this. Eyewitness testimony is what basically got him arrested and charged. The "eyewitnesses" recanted their testimony and others said it was actually the guy who went into the police station and blamed Davis! Eyewitness testimony is basically, literally all they had. How its ok to give someone the death penalty based on eyewitness testimony but not take it away based on the same eyewitness testimony is an absolute travesty and proof that our judicial system needs re-vamping. The appeals is simply part of the process when it comes to the death penalty in particular. However, in this case, they refused to take the "new" evidence of testimony and no match on the shell casings and that fact that the guy who turned in Davis is more likely the one who shot both men. All the appeals process basically does is make sure that all procedures were properly followed, it’s not necessarily evidence. It seriously is pretty repulsive. This is why his supporters and those that believe this kind of thing is pretty fucking scary say, "I Am Troy Davis" because it could happen to any of us. Mistaken identity combined with a murdered cop, combined with no money for a real defense attorney = executed. Read the article I posted that started this whole thing and read the wiki info, I hope you'll be equally disgusted.

In other words...there was just too much doubt in this one to put a man to death without another trial. Jurors that originally convicted Davis have come forward and even testified that if they knew then, what they know now, they never would have convicted him.
Donald, can I ask why you characterize women who get abortions as loose or making an error in judgment? Let's say we agree a woman shouldn't be allowed to kill her unborn child just because she doesn't feel like being a mom. Should we as a society want her to raise that child if she's so irresponsible, that she can't even use birth control? And let's say we agree she shouldn't raise that child. Are you volunteering to take care of the baby? What is your solution? You can't possibly, possibly be able to answer the question of "what if it was you". But there is no doubt that if men were capable of getting pregnant, this wouldn't even be a conversation. Abortion would be 'his right'.

Michelle - before all you femi-nazi's [Aaaaand Rush Limbaugh finally pokes his head into the fray.] get your panties in a bunch, let me explain my position one more time and I will try and do it so you will understand... if you read my first post I said that I understand there may be a need for abortion but only in extreme cases... i.e rape... but what disgusts me is lazy, irresponsible woman (yes and men too) [He didn’t suddenly add ‘men’ to his argument as a qualifier to somehow legitimize it. I just wanted to let you know that.] who have a good time and ooops got knock up! oh well I will just get rid of it... Those women [He forgot to add ‘men’ this time. I’m sure he meant to.] are loose and yes they should not be able to raise the child but there are plenty of good families that cannot have a child and would adopt them... any hospital will take a child no questions asked so why do these babies have to die? [They’re not babies.] yet God forbid the state executes a thug that was convicted by his peers and sentenced to death... nooo those people are monsters!!!! Spare me the liberal horse S%$t... and maybe if this Govt would stop spending money on welfare and SSI for illegals then we would have plenty to provide for them... [I’ll accept the addition of ‘abortion’ to the discussion since it is a legitimate argument to contrast the death penalty. But when irrelevant topics start showing up, it means the Republican ran out of Limbaugh/Hannity talking points and are backed into a corner. They try to muddy the discussion or switch to a new topic and start using the Limbaugh/Hannity talking points for that one until they run out again. At that point, they’ll try introducing another topic or circle back to an old one and start over. Hence the introduction of welfare and “illegals.”]
And for the record...Michelle is a mom too :-).
I would write more but as I said, I just don't debate abortion with men. No offense :-).
I have nothing against Michelle and God bless her and you for being a mom!

Like I said I love to debate!!!
Lets talk about something less controversial like Global warming and the hoax it truly is... lol [So soon, Donald? We haven’t even started on welfare or “illegals” yet. Don’t blow your load all in one shot. Pace yourself.]
Global warming, eh...Well, that one, I'm honestly not up to speed. [I am, though. That blog post is on deck.] For me, I'm a vegan and I live as eco-friendly as I possibly can. I'm all for solar, hybirds, reducing if not eliminating our need and dependency on fossil fuels, and I'm as conservative as I can be with water. I say as can be because well, I'm a girl and sometimes, well, I take long hot showers and baths :-). I don't think you should have to believe in Global Warming to be kind to the only planet we have to live on! Whether there is global warming caused by us or the plain ole cycle of the planet doesn't matter to me in terms of the reason. [It actually does, but Jan is trying to be nice to the dipshit. I have no such desire of heart.] There shouldn't need to be a reason to want to make this planet and all on it as healthy as possible. For the life of me, I just don't understand why people need "reasons" to do the right thing! That's all I got on this one :-)
Bill Mancuso
Apparently, Donald, when you make remarks solely based upon race, you're not a racist. When you demand standards apply to others but not you, that's not hypocrisy. When someone disagrees with you, they are stupid. When someone asks you completely fair questions that you don't have answers to, they're a femi-nazi.

And when you can't come up with any answers based on logic or facts, you change the topic.

You, like all who have no idea about the myriad difficult, personal, emotional and complex reasons why a woman would choose this procedure [myself included, but I am capable of empathy – sidenote: I learned what empathy is from Star Trek TOS], do not care about said reasons and instead choose to blindly repeat what religious dogma tells you because that is far easier than actually trying to learn something new.

And so it is you seem to believe the only reason women seek abortions is if they just don't feel like raising a child. Simple. Not complicated. Ignorant. Wrong. [I had no idea at this point that this was a religion-influenced Republican talking point in their war on women’s rights.]

I have decided that you are a typical close-minded, right-wing, religious lemming. You are incapable of independent thought and resort to name-calling to cover the fact that Rush Limbaugh hasn't told you what to say on the topic.

If you scroll up, you will notice I never called you a racist or a hypocrite. I simply asked if you saw the racism and hypocrisy in your statements, affording you the chance to reflect on what you said and perhaps change or clarify the statement. You did neither. You called me stupid and Michelle a femi-nazi.

And yes, I realize I did just call you several names in the paragraph above the last, but they are all accurate, based on actual things you said. I didn't just call you stupid because you disagreed with me.

And I see you also blindly follow the right-wing, corporate-profit-protecting, anti-science stance on climate change. Bravo.

And you prove my point again by trying to change the topic since you have no logical answers.
Did you say something Bill? lets put it this way When I see dirt worshipping tree hugging idiot drive a Prius, I go home and set fire to a tire just out of spite... lol [Ha ha! Hilarious.]
And if you re read my first post all I said about race was "give me a break" on your comment about how whitey gets off but the brother dies... You are the racist! [I just fucking told him I didn’t call him racist.] Just like that a hole Al Sharpton only has rallies to get a black guy free... Ever see that idiot a activist rally any support for a white man? Is he trying to free the innocent or just the black guys? I myself will fight for any innocent man. But if they are guilty then pay the piper they must!!! One more thing ..... When you act like an elitist asshole trying to sound like an intellectual. All you are achieving is looking like a douchebag. My guess is you have a boner for some girl your trying to impress and you hope she is reading these posts .. Talk like a man! 10. Bucks says you order from international male. Lol have fun with that! All I was doing is having a debate. Idiot! Lol
Bill Mancuso
Thank you for proving everything I said.
Bill you haven't said anything!
You've said plenty, Donald. Thanks for the highly enlightened view on sex and pregnancy. I'm sure you'll be volunteering hours down at that hospital to take in all the unwanted babies. Oh, and thank you for so astutely labeling me, based solely on my post asking you questions about your views. (Yes, I'm a Nazi. And I hate men. How did you know??) Sadly intelligent debate rarely happens anymore. Most people are just waiting for their next turn to fire back. To PROVE themselves right. To insult the other. To be clever. But almost never, to listen. The problems we are facing belong to all of us. But go ahead, make enemies out of anyone with a differing opinion. I'm sure that will fix everything.
Please read my first post And tell me what racist comment I made? I was even called a hypocrite because i am for the death penalty and against using abortion as a oops cleanup! And I bet I am not the first guy to call you a Nazi. You are angry toots! But I have no I'll will towards you have a good day

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I hadn’t known at the original time of this debate, but apparently a Republican talking point is that women ONLY get abortions because they want to have unprotected sex and don’t want to be responsible for their actions. Women also love to get pregnant just so they can pop on down to the Planned Parenthood abortion factory because it’s so easy and fun. But I know it now.

Exactly six months later to the day, Jan posted on Facebook about a man who murdered an unarmed kid. Donald showed up. So I did, too. I immediately remembered the last time he disintegrated into random name-calling after what I said. This time, he’s an absolute peach. As am I...

Image created by Working Families Party. Originally submitted by Amy F.

March 23, 2012

This was a post shared on by FloridaJudy. I couldn't have said it better myself. Here's the link should anyone want to share it as well...

Let me explain what Trayvon Martin's death means to me. It's not about whether his killing was pre-meditated. It's not even about whether it was racially motivated, repugnant as I’d find that. It's not my place to decide his killer's motives, even though I think he's Not Right in the Head. Sane and sober civilians don’t prowl the streets at night armed with a loaded gun and looking for evil doers to confront. That suggests the behavior of someone who's been watching so many Dirty Harry or Lethal Weapon movies for so long that the line between his reality and that of his favorite fictional character has become blurred.

Again, that's not for me to decide. That's up to a judge, two sets of lawyers, and - most importantly - a jury.

What bothers me even more than a lone nut is *institutionalized* incompetence and/or racism, and that's what I'm seeing. Since when do cops walk up to someone who is - literally! - standing over a dead body and holding a smoking gun and just let him go when he claims the other guy attacked him?

I'll describe myself. I'm an elderly white woman with health problems that limit my mobility, and even in my prime I was never physically robust. I've never been convicted of a crime, and haven't been arrested since 1964 when I picketed a draft board. But if, in some horrible future, a career criminal breaks into my apartment armed with a machete and hopped up on crank and angel dust, and I somehow manage to kill him with my grandfather’s WWI revolver, here's what I expect would happen. The police would read me my rights, and then politely escort me in handcuffs to the nearest ER for drug and alcohol testing. They'd get a search warrant for my car and apartment, subpoena my cell phone records, and confiscate my computer for the forensic IT people to pick over. I'd be fingerprinted and then spend many, many hours being interrogated with my lawyer present. All that would happen because I'd just killed one of my fellow human beings, and that is not something that civilized people dismiss lightly, regardless of the age, race, gender, or social class of those involved. Even if the chief suspect appears to be a polite, soft spoken, little old lady who looks like your favorite grandmother.

I’d hope no less would happened to anyone who killed me, even if I'd gone delusional and was attempting to decapitate him with my cane.

That's justice. That's what Trayvon Martin deserved. And didn't get.

Somehow...there is a modicum of positivity coming out of this. While I don't know if the rest of the world knows about this, here in the US, the outrage from all walks of life, color, creed and religion tells me that we can be united. That atrocities like this won't be tolerated. That this must NEVER happen again. A boy, an innocent beautiful boy, is dead. A mother lost a child. A father lost a child. And not just to some sort of crazy accident or illness that couldn't be cured. But heartlessly, cruelly, in the worst possible way that any parent could lose a child. We, as a nation have said, NO! Fuck this and fuck you! JUSTICE! However, what I will forever keep in my heart is that no amount of justice can bring back an innocent life taken so violently. My heart, prayers and love go out the family and friends of this beautiful boy.
That's the whole truth Jan and it's truly sad, my white Sister. White on the outside black on the inside. Bottom line is on any given day this could've happened and your child could be next depending on how the officer 1st on scene feels or how his day is going. Is that how we want to live? Is that how we want our children treated? He was slaughtered like his life meant nothing.

Olivia...this could've been your boy! My daughter! The fact that it was anyone's child, any life in general, regardless of age, is a painful reality, we as the human race must eradicate. I love you my dear sister.
Girl I can't even imagine this happening to my son or your daughter, I would be crazy. Everyone really needs to understand what kind of danger their children are in just on a day to day basis with idiots like this walking the streets. The trip to me is this, people get arrested everyday sometimes for things they've actually done and once in a while you have your occasional innocent person who's arrested too but this guy had a smokin gun! Come on now really.
Oh yes, the world knows about this. It's been Guardian (best UK newspaper) front page news since it happened. It's a travesty in this country which has had so many racist travesties of justice. Troy Davis anyone...? I hate that I'm having to have this conversation with my 12 year old brown boy. It could so easily be him. It breaks my heart.
Florida...where hanging chads can deliver you George W. Bush, and you can kill somebody with a gun and get off scott free if you claim that they attacked you first. Despite not having a weapon.
The killer is a nut job and I do believe it was racially motivated. [So far, so good, right?] What pisses me off is if the killer was black and the victim white. Al the idiot Sharpten wouldn't be leading a million hoodie march for the white guys justice. That is also racism ! [THAT’S my man! Never let me down.]
Hey Donald...your response makes it so terribly hard to handle with grace. As the post states and the way I feel, whether or not this was racially motivated, isn't the issue. But leave it to the white republican jerk off to take the pain of what happened and say, "Fuck it, I'm gonna just be mad about a million hoodie march and start screaming about another form of racism." Additionally, I see your point about the thousands of times a black person has killed a white person for no good reason and the press and everyone is all up in arms...oh, wait
I had no idea you were this "class-less"
Oh and by the way...the killer is a Hispanic male. Look at him. But it ultimately has nothing to do with race! The problem is how it was handled despite the disgusting racial motivations.
Marsha...ditto. Except I have a girl where I have to explain that people may just want to hurt her because they think they can. Longing for the days where it was just...don't talk to strangers. Perhaps that it's on a worldwide scale, the awareness it will bring will do much to eradicate this type of shit.
I never wanted to take the focus away from what happened [Then why did you intentionally do exactly that? And why are you going to do it again?] and I am disgusted what this guy did. I just pointed out that if the "good" rev actually gave a shit about what happened then he would be just as loud if it happened to a white kid. Or black on black crime ( take white) out of it... The only time there is such a outrage is when it's white on black. Regardless how you point out that he is part Hispanic. I hate all crime! You can call me what ever you like but the truth is the truth.
Donald- WHHHAAAATTTT? Do you read newspapers/watch the news at ALL? "The only time there is such a outrage is when it's white on black" The only time there's real outrage and CONSEQUENCES is when it's black on white! The reason there's such an uproar is because this racial injustice KEEPS HAPPENING! Your truth, I'm sorry to say is deluded. (wow, I'm not intending to be rude or anything, but your response is so on a different planet, it must be addressed!) [Don’t worry. My ruder rudeness will soon drown out your rudeness, Marsha.]
Really? In the city of Rochester young black men get kill other young blacks and whites and it gets 1 day in the paper. No al Sharpton no outrage. So by all means give me a example of this kind of outrage over a killing of anyone beside white on black. And before all you hippy commie dirt worshippers try to turn this around. I will say it again" treyvon was killed/ murdered by a whacko who hates black people and the killer should go to jail. !!!
I'll repeat it again for you, the reason there's such outrage is that it happens all the time! I work in the prison system, trust me, I know. Al Sharpton has his own opinions and way of expressing them, but he's one person, ANYONE with eyes and a pair of ears knows what this is, especially if they are of colour or know any young black men. I think I understand where you're coming from though with your "hippy" comment, so I'm guessing this is falling on deaf ears. Never mind. [That was a LOT nicer than I would have put it.]
This coming from the gun-toting; creationism is where its at; women are too stupid to make their own decisions; fuck the environment; go big oil; no taxes for rich white guys; fuck the poor; Obama isn't a citizen; I can't think for myself or I'll go blind; screw helping your fellow man unless he's like me; the arts are stupid; marriage is what "I" say it is and I base that on a book that was written by white guys when the earth was flat and the sun revolved around it that has over a hundred versions and hated women; screw peace! no money in peace!; facts that prove me wrong are lies; unification of church and state as long as there's money in it; greed whore. Sorry Donald, you had that coming from your last insult. [That was pretty good, I have to admit. It will still go right over his head, though. Just like spelling, punctuation and grammar.]
[to Marsha:] Your the one with deaf ears honey ! Cause if you stop being so angry and actually listen you will see that I agree with you at how awful this is but you still haven't given me a example on how I'm wrong? Show the same outrage in the past six mos when anyone else was killed besides white on black!!??? [Maybe almost every time the killing is black on white? Just perhaps the black guy is practically lynched before there’s even a trial? When you only pay attention to one side, your view tends to be a little lop-sided.] My point sweetheart is that the "good rev" has his own agenda along with everyone else like yourself that is using the death of this poor kid to spew more racial crap. There are racist on both sides and they are all wrong! Whore the actions of one idiot for your own agenda is pathetic. !!!
I love you to Jan! No need to say sorry. This is a debate, [Is it 'sweetheart'? Or 'toots'?] this is how we learn from each other. [Love to know what you’ve learned.] We don't have to like it just hope we listen... And btw I am a gun toting conservative, the diff is I would only use it as a last resort but use it I would to protect my family and my self. What this jackass did was murder.
I am neither angry in the slightest nor your sweetheart or honey, and I'm not going to engage with that kind of "debate." Father Greg Boyle (who I hope you know, but I'm sure you don't) said, "...clinging to the myth that a gun is going to protect you. I've buried 171 human beings and know a lot of lives destroyed because of a gun. I can't remember a single time when a gun has protected a life. Not one." He should know.

It's funny how there is a background check to make sure you haven't ALREADY committed a crime when applying for a pistol permit but no one checks on one's mental capacity. I know of several people who LEGALLY own guns yet absolutely should not. It's always tragic when human beings kill other human beings-PERIOD.

Btw: love you Jan!!

Bill Mancuso
Donald, did your parents have any children that survived?


I love you too Sharon!!! and VERY well said!
Bill Mancuso, I literally almost put in my last post, bill mancuso? can you please handle this one :-)
Donald, sweety, poor, poor li'l saddens me that while everyone on here was expressing the sadness and pain of the situation and fear about the possibility of it happening to their child (including me), you come in with the insults, hate, demeaning endearments, and typical republican deflection by cussin' out the "Al" instead of the issue at hand. You're right in terms of "debate is how we learn from each other." Problem is, I have nothing to learn from you or people like you other than how NOT to think or be. So for that, I suppose I'm grateful. Got it smoochie-poo-pants?

Can I call you honey?
Sure thing puddin' Dave :-)
Jan- look at the thread. I was not the one to start with the insults. [Um…] Nothing excuses what the asshole did to treyvon and his family. God bless them.

Now for some facts. Black on white crime 16% white on black crime 2%. My point is al Sharpton is using this fucked up shooting for racially political bullshit. [How?] If he really gave a shit about kids getting killed he would be on the streets for all crimes [Because Al Sharpton can protest the 17,000 murders a year?] apparently he values black people more than white... I value all life!!! And would try to help anyone that needs it [Which is why Donald DOES protest all 17,000 murders per year.]

Marsha - relax sugar tits, it's just the way I talk! [You can’t make this stuff up. It’s real. This dude really throws these insults around casually. I can’t wait till you hear his explanation why.]
I rarely wade in on this stuff as I use FB to chat and share music, but this is an appalling crime and should be regarded as such, not used as any kind of forum to be turned around to your own liking and or to other crimes of your choosing. The point being made here I feel is neither a right/left wing point, rather that it is indeed a truly awful thing that has happened to this young man and his family and if it happened to him it could happen to one of our own.
Jan, you are saucy and precious! Don't let Wee Willie Winkie get to ya!
Bill Mancuso
So, I gather that's a "No," then? My condolences to your parents. [Yes. I am being a dick. Do you know why?]
Billus, you up for coffee????

Bill Mancuso
Yes. Yes, I am.
Are we still doing inappropriate terms of endearment?
Bill - same dumb ass lines. And you wonder why the only ass you get is when your finger rips thru the toilet paper [That was why.]

Sharon - sorry toots not trying to ignore you . [And that.]
Btw Bill Fonzey called he wants his hairstyle back. Prick [And that.]
Oh please do ignore me... now you're just lashing out irrationally, sir. Try and find your happy place. Peace.
Donald, I assure you, Bill Mancuso was absolutely expecting comments exactly like that as they are typical of your kind. [She is correct. I was expecting it.]
I am on the way, Billus!!
So this debate has unfortunately gone in a different direction... I did see a headline today that Geraldo Rivera said the wee pet got killed because of his hoodie.. This made me upset and I don't normally get upset by the ridiculous banter of fox news hosts...
Bill Mancuso
Donald, education called, it begs you to never claim you had anything to do with it.
Can I have coffee with David and Bill??
Jan - you and your kind started to attack mr first yet there is no comments on that. I just made a comment on your thread and immediately I am the enemy redneck conservative your kind hates so much ... Your typical sweetheart and bill is just a creeper looking to impress hippy chicks with his tired act. You want me to comment
Bill Mancuso
Sharon, everyone is welcome to have coffee with David and I!

Donald, boy did you sure peg me, man. I'm just some creeper desperately trying to impress my closest friend of 20 years (Jan, I never noticed you were a hippie. Why didn't you tell me?).

What "our kind" hates so much is the blind ignorance repeated so casually and enthusiastically by "your kind." What "our kind" hates so much is having a battle of wits with unarmed people such as yourself.

You believe Al Sharpton is a racist for defending black people but not white people. The fact that Al Sharpton is a black man himself and a lifelong black civil rights activist apparently does not count in your well thought out hypothesis. Tell me, do you also believe Native Americans who fight for tribal ancestry rights to be racist for not fighting for white men's rights? Do you believe women fighting for their Constitutionally protected right to an abortion to be sexist for not fighting for men's rights?

And Donald, my uneducated friend, I have not yet "attacked" you. And even if I did, you wouldn't understand because your level of insulting people is calling them names like 'sugar tits' and "hippy commie dirt worshippers" and telling me the only ass I get is sticking my finger through toilet paper. You know, unsophisticated, contextless, poorly spelled, 2nd grade humor. (No offense to 2nd graders meant.)

I'm sure you'll understand this:
Dummy! Jerk! Stupid-head! Mr. Farty-Breath! Nya, nya! Take that! Tpthtpthtpth!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Actually, William, I DO *smell* like a hippie right now or is that homeless? Is there a difference?
Oh, and Donald (yes it's me, sugar tits), [That made me laugh out loud.] have you ever heard of Troy Davis? Was accused of killing a white man & executed on the flimsiest of evidence despite a huge groundswell of facts that point to his innocence. Might like to read up on that one. Wait, I said READ, that might be a new experience for you...
Mancuso - if you look back at the thread Capt' Ahole you would see that YES you did attack me first with you stupid line about my parents having any children that lived. Then after I Ignored your Comment you say " I take that as a no. My condolences to your parents". And while we are at it if you look at what I initially said first you would see that I agreed with Jan about the killing but I am also disgusted at these so called civil rights activist who are using this kids murder for there own political agenda. [Still don’t know what that political agenda is.] Tell me wise one. What is it that Al Shapton dies for a living? How does he get his money? He is very wealthy, yet I'm not sure how he gets a pay check ? Hmmm.

You lefties claim to be so tolerant with all people until they disagree with your bullshit, then you all gang up like the pussies you are and start with insults, call people stupid, brand them as people who can't think for them selves because they don't agree with you! Instead if trying to have a debate were all of us can learn from each other. If Jan does want to here all sides then why comment on a public forum? [It might not be about you disagreeing with me. It might have to do with the angry, unintelligible, uneducated nonsense you’re spouting.]

As fit or [As for] "sugar tits" that's what I call my "angry man hating feminist detector" when a close minded angry Rosie the riveter gets called that, they react exactly like they did. [Like that.]

And Bill just grow a set and tell Jan you have a boner for her! It's not like she doesn't know already. Oh well always a brides maid never a bride huh Billy boy? [And that.]

Your all a bunch of closed minded numb leftist who cannot think for yourselves, like the goth kids you try to be different yet they all dress and look alike. [And that.]
Bill Mancuso
Donald, I sincerely apologize. I had no idea I was dealing with a mentally challenged person. I can tell by your complete lack of sentence structure, incoherent messaging, Dali-esque use of punctuation, consistent misspelling of words, conclusions drawn without any evidence and the anger and frustration you feel toward not being able to succinctly articulate any of these things intelligently. I don't know how I could have missed these obvious clues in the past. Please accept my apology. No disrespect was meant.

However, I also notice your vile hatred of women by the continual verbal abuse you casually sling at them in conversation without the slightest bit of compunction. This may be a direct result of child abuse by a female family member. Have you been to see a psychologist? They may be able to unlock any repressed memories that cause you to constantly lash out at women for no apparent reason and relieve you of your subconscious torment. Or could this be a result of not being able to get a girlfriend until much later in life, then settling on a last resort in a final act of desperation? That may also be driving your animosity toward women. In either case, it would be most beneficial for you to seek treatment.

As for your oh, so clever (lack of a) dissection of Al Sharpton's political agenda, what exactly do you think is his political agenda? Justice for a murdered innocent child? To me, that doesn't seem so subversive an agenda.

And if you took .03 of a second and did some research, instead of just spewing completely uninformed idiocy, you would know that Al Sharpton makes a living hosting a television talk show and hosts a radio talk show and founded the National Action Network and Rev. Al Communications. But, to be honest, I shouldn't expect such a bold move like 'research' from you. (And I don't, since you didn't.) You just making an ignorant claim that he has no job does not magically make that a true statement. It just makes you ignorant.

And please don't blame automatic spell check or typos for your lack of spelling skills. Also, if you really want to insult someone, don't just call them random names. As I have already pointed out, you just sound mentally deficient because there's no substance or intelligent thought behind your 'attacks.' (Which apparently you are not even as smart as a 2nd grader to pick up on, since you keep doing it. Also, don't invent fantasy situations to put your opponents in - that just exposes what's in your simple little head, not mine.) Calling me random funny names and telling me I have a boner for my friend is not hurtful, only amusing - like a video of a guy getting hit in the nuts with a baseball. Hah! Classic. You need to attack the substance of what the person said. Of course, you'd have to understand what they said first, so maybe I'm expecting too much of you. So, yeah, you should probably just stick to your thoughtless name-calling. You know, that really clever stuff, like "Capt' Ahole," "sugar tits" and "hippy commie dirt worshippers."

Do make sure to spell them correctly, though.

And just so I understand your so-called "angry, man-hating, feminist-detector" (see how correct punctuation helps?), are you saying that if you call a girl "sugar tits" and she gets mad, then she's a "close-minded, angry, Rosie the Riveter?" (I'm assuming you ignorantly mean 'Rosie the Riveter' as an insult and not as the historically heroic role women took during WWII building the vehicles for the fighting men personified by the famous Norman Rockwell painting.) Basically, you're saying that when YOU intentionally act like a stupid fucking asshole to a woman, that makes HER a bitch for getting upset? Wow. That's absolutely genius. How do you get through life knowing everyone is so much less intelligent than you? It must be frustrating. I'm humbled that you even acknowledged me.

And just because I don't agree with the nonsense coming out of your mouth, that doesn't automatically make me a "lefty."
That fact that you wasted time writing that crap makes me laugh. Did I hit a nerve? Your a intellectual fucking genius, obviously, I am no match for you. I mean I don't even own a faggy black turtle neck so how can I hang out with all the other dick heads at the hip coffee shop with a laptop caking like I know what's best for everyone cause I'm smarter the everyone. You are my hero! No so much.!
Not so much. ! I am sooo stupid ! Whstever
Bill Mancuso
Thanks for the hearty laugh, buddy!

We drink coffee at Woodstock’s finest Dunkin Donuts. It has never been and never will be a ‘hip’ coffee shop. Nor do we use laptops there; it’s a different sort of crowd.

Yeah. Turtle necks are "faggy." Billy does not own one, though. I, however own two – a white one and a blue one. Which one do you want to borrow, sugar tits!!

Bill Mancuso
No. I've never owned a turtleneck.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This is my Facebook profile picture that inspired Donald’s “Fonzie” and “turtleneck” comments. I don’t really need to say more, do I?

I have a confession to make. I think this was a weaker blog post than usual. The reason being Donald is just an idiot. Usually, I get some inventive twisting and turning by the Conservative to make their unfounded point – their twists often contradicting their turns. And I find that particularly enjoyable to watch. But Donald never had anything to add beyond the most surface level right-wing talking point, so he immediately started calling people names. At least it was a bit humorous.

Luckily, I found myself in a simultaneous conversation about the Treyvon Martin murder by way of another friend’s post. My old friend, Richard makes a brief but delightful appearance. That’s the nice thing about us having several of the same Facebook friends – he may have defriended me, but not everyone I know. I’ll try to post it next, or at least soon afterward. The problem is, as of this posting eleven days in, it is still going on. Yeah, it's long. I do think I see the light at the end of the conversation.  Although, I did think that four times already. 

Richard bails out after a while, but an interesting character takes up his mantle.

Interesting in that he changes the topic, won’t leave it under any circumstances, uses no facts and ignores every single thing I say. And keeps repeating the same misinformation over and over. Just like Richard. But different. You’ll see.

It’s twice as long as these two put together (so far). I’ll try and edit it down, but the path being taken is so fucking interesting.

At least to me.

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