Thursday, December 27, 2012

Guns: Epilogue

Since the crazies won’t stop defending the ability to murder, I won’t stop criticizing their lunacy.

Plus some observations.

And let it be known that to any fucktard who believes we now need to arm firefighters, I say: Fuck you, you fucking mentally stunted fuck.

This one’s short and sweet.


At last. Our children will be safe. Legislation designed to help protect us from video games and movies has been introduced in Congress. Because it’s not guns that are the problem, it’s video games and movies. As proof, I point out the fact that no other countries have video games and movies and that’s why they have only a tiny fraction of gun violence compared to the USA. What other reason could there possibly be?

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[I would find it interesting to sit back and listen to anyone try to explain just how guns improve the quality of my life. Because it’s not 1776 anymore.]

Bill Mancuso

Q: Which of these is manufactured for the purpose of killing?
A: The Gun.

Q: How many of these items have been used in mass murders?
A: The Gun.

Q: How many of these items are being used in mass murders at an exponentially increasing rate?
A: The Gun.

Q: How many of these items have a massive lobby that opposes any attempt to prevent psychopathic killers from getting their hands on it?
A: The Gun.

Q: How many of these items have a massive lobby that partners with ALEC, an organization of corporations and politicians that get together to write legislation that protects corporate profits above all else while making their politicians rich?
A: Guns.

Q: How many of these items have a massive lobby that pumps money into defeating any political candidate that attempts even a suggestion of the simplest legislation like background checks?
A: Guns.

Q: How many of these items have enthusiasts that selectively interpret the Constitutional Amendment that refers to it?
A: The Gun.

Q: How many of these items have a massive lobby that opposes health care reform that could help mentally ill people to get the care they need or which could prevent them from getting the completely unregulated item and perform a mass murder with it?
A: Guns.

Q: Which of these items is incessantly compared falsely as an equivalent to other objects in the art of unbridled murder?
A: The Gun.

LOL! You DO like your long strings, don't you... ;)P

[It's true. I do. But I don’t determine the amount of facts that are available to debunk bullshit. I use as many as I know of at the time. That’s how I roll.]

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Keep on reporting with your usual unbiased fairness and balancedness, FOX.

Motorcycle Clubs are Conservative and Westboro is a Left-Wing group, like, fer sher.

Side note: Did you know that the Ku Klux Klan is also against Westboro and often blocks their protests?

Westboro Baptist Church are a bunch of fucknuts: The only thing on Earth everyone agrees on.

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And women never watch violent movies or play violent video games either, apparently.

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What? You mean that when you keep trumpeting bullshit about specific countries, you don’t think they’ll respond?

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Instead of possibly admitting that guns are the problem, Wayne LaPierre says the NRA will back a program to put police in every school. Ignoring that it has not helped in the past, such as Columbine or Virginia Tech or that entirely armed Fort Hood couldn’t even stop a shooter, Wayne LaPierre is lying. He knows this plan couldn’t work and that he’s just pretending – well, blaming everything else but guns. Anyway, estimates place the cost of having an armed guard at all 132,183 K-12 schools in America somewhere between $7 and $10 Billion dollars. I wonder how NRA board member and anti-tax, anti-government Reagan-masturbator, Grover Norquist feels about raising taxes to pay for this new, massive government expanding program?

Republicans are cutting school funding already, but want to add more to the school budget?

And let’s not pretend Wayne LaPierre’s School Shield program is anything other than what his job always is: a plan to make people purchase more guns from the industry that funds 75% of the NRA.

Profit is more important than your life.

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Weekends with Alex Witt
Interview with Jon Meacham
Interpreting Jefferson’s views on guns

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

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Even the NRA knows guns kill. All that matters is corporate profits, except if THEIR lives could be threatened.

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Five cases commonly cited as a rationale for arming Americans don't stand up to scrutiny.

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May 3, 1995
Dear Mr. Washington,
I was outraged when, even in the wake of the Oklahoma City tragedy, Mr. Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of N.R.A., defended his attack on federal agents as “jack-booted thugs.” To attack Secret Service agents or A.T.F. people or any government law enforcement people as “wearing Nazi bucket helmets and black storm trooper uniforms” wanting to “attack law abiding citizens” is a vicious slander on good people.
Al Whicher, who served on my [ United States Secret Service ] detail when I was Vice President and President, was killed in Oklahoma City. He was no Nazi. He was a kind man, a loving parent, a man dedicated to serving his country — and serve it well he did.
In 1993, I attended the wake for A.T.F. agent Steve Willis, another dedicated officer who did his duty. I can assure you that this honorable man, killed by weird cultists, was no Nazi.
John Magaw, who used to head the U.S.S.S. and now heads A.T.F., is one of the most principled, decent men I have ever known. He would be the last to condone the kind of illegal behavior your ugly letter charges. The same is true for the F.B.I.’s able Director Louis Freeh. I appointed Mr. Freeh to the Federal Bench. His integrity and honor are beyond question.
Both John Magaw and Judge Freeh were in office when I was President. They both now serve in the current administration. They both have badges. Neither of them would ever give the government’s “go ahead to harass, intimidate, even murder law abiding citizens.” (Your words)
I am a gun owner and an avid hunter. Over the years I have agreed with most of N.R.A.’s objectives, particularly your educational and training efforts, and your fundamental stance in favor of owning guns.
However, your broadside against Federal agents deeply offends my own sense of decency and honor; and it offends my concept of service to country. It indirectly slanders a wide array of government law enforcement officials, who are out there, day and night, laying their lives on the line for all of us.
You have not repudiated Mr. LaPierre’s unwarranted attack. Therefore, I resign as a Life Member of N.R.A., said resignation to be effective upon your receipt of this letter. Please remove my name from your membership list.

[ signed ]

George Bush

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Hey, Wayne LaPierre,

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And now, some spirit-cleansing levity…

Baby Elephant Has Time of His Life


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