Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Go Tweet Yourself

I don’t always immediately post a Tweet when I think of it. Sometimes, I’ll put them aside to post later. Some of the neglected Tweets have slowly built up into a little mountain that I’ll never get around to posting. Some topics are a little out of date, some are timeless. Either way, I’m going to clear out my unposted Tweet collection here.

You may have to visit this post a few times. The links included with most of the Tweets will all add up and I wouldn’t want to interrupt anyone’s poop time.


America's vast inequality didn't just happen, it was politically engineered." - Bill Moyers


So, we need to have prayer in school, but sex education should be forbidden?


Marty needed 1.21 gigawatts to accomplish time travel. Germany produced 22 with solar power.


For all you Reagan-lovers out there.


Harlem Shake is stupid- except when students in Tunisia do it in revolt of ultraconservative religious fundamentalism. 


Tough to conjure enough hate and fear to stoke that misinformation fire, ay FOX? You lefty, liberal turncoats! 


Republicans. Fighting for the middle class. Oop, I mean – Fighting the middle class.


Cold Dead Hand with Jim Carrey


We should regulate hammers, because you can murder 26 people in 5 minutes with them, too (chloroform sold separately). 


Aziz brings it.  


Sad but true.


Think the 2nd Amendment is to defend yourself from US tyranny? You just failed the mental health test. (Thom Hartmann)


Think guns can save you from a tyrannical government? You just failed the mental health test.


If only governments cared as their citizens do.


Hey, I just realized - Boston PD didn't hit any innocent bystanders in the shoot-out with the bombers. Can you explain this, NYPD?

Pat Robertson says that the more educated you are, the less likely you'll believe in miracles. Newsflash: I agree.  


Republicans. Lovers of the Constitution, all. And in no way, hypocrites. Back to you, Jon...




GOP calls gun violence victims "props." Let's extend same mentality to 9/11, domestic & child abuse and rape victims. Yeah, fuck you, too.


Why is it perceived that giving a corporation billions in hand-outs is ok, but a family of 4 getting $900/mo welfare are "moochers?"



Ooh, look. More facts for gun nuts to ignore.

The Atlantic: Owning Guns Doesn't Preserve Freedom 


Obama isn't a dictator. The GOP is a party of anti-American obstructionists.

MaddowBlog: The Green Lantern Theory runs rampant 


Have the Teabaggers branched out into other countries?


Thom Hartmann: Why would anyone proudly call themselves a Conservative?


Peter Christ, a retired Police Captain completely dismantles the “War on Drugs” nonsense.


Hey, McCain, when we go to war with Syria to oust its tyrant, which of the rebel groups should we support - Hezbollah or al Qaeda? War, what could go wrong? 


[This is in reference to the House Republicans holding their 37th symbolic vote to repeal the Constitutionally protected Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Sure, Republicans respect the Constitution.] 

Plus there’d be $50 million tax dollars NOT wasted from NOT holding pointless, symbolic, base-pandering gestures.


Oh, look. More scientific evidence about guns to be ignored:

Scientific American: The Science of Guns Proves Arming Untrained Citizens Is a Bad Idea 


The Trouble with the Electoral College   


FOX "News" covers for white Christian terrorists:

News Corpse: Fox News Covers For White Christian Terrorists 


Hey, right-wing, racist, religious, xenophobic, fundamentalists – go eat some shit, ay.


Thom Hartmann: How Corporations Created the Tea Party Zombies


Why does the GOP believe govt jobs are a waste of taxes, but spending $50mil on 37 symbolic Obamacare repeal votes isn't?


The consequences of a for-profit, private prison system. Yay, 'Merica.  

(David Pakman)


But if we spend money on infrastructure, that will reduce the amount of taxes we can cut for corporations!


Why spend on infrastructure now when we can spend so much more on repairs later? Fiscal Conservatives, my left nut. 

Addicting Info: So Much For Fiscal Hawks – Republicans Now Costing You Tens Of Millions To Save A Few Million 


Freedom of Speech doesn’t mean ‘Freedom From Pointing Out Your Racist, Homophobic, Bigoted Hate-Speech.’ Cunts.

Salon: GOP: Party of crybabies 


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