Monday, September 16, 2013

Bolshevik Bill

A short one today. Kind of on the lighter side of stupid.

An alternate title could be “Sparring With Idiots.” (Then again, I could title the bulk of my posts with that phrase.)

Five little words started this thread. “"Fox News" is an oxymoron.” I’m no longer amazed when I encounter people blindly devoted to an ideology even when not one teensy, tiny bit if reality can support it.

And I’ve just explained why I’ve been labeled an ass.


"Fox News" is an oxymoron.
Amen to THAT, Stanley!

Love Fox news:) [That clever statement will be surpassed only by the one with which she closes this thread.]

Bill Mancuso
No oxy. Pure moron.

Let me guess ... You like MSNBC. If you want the full story, better watch Fox. [The full story that FOXbots completely manufactured, he means.] Besides, there are plenty of your fellow Bolsheviks on there.

Bill Mancuso
Bolsheviks, ay? Jump to wild conclusions based on absolutely no information and blindly repeat words without any context that you don't understand but heard on FOX much? Thanks for succinctly proving my point. [Ha ha. I called him a moron. I wonder if he picked up on that?]

And exactly where do you get all of your "information?" Not sure what wild conclusion or repeated words I used that so succinctly proved your point. Try again. [I guess he didn’t read his own post.]

Bill Mancuso
Clearly, the wild conclusion - that you've ignored - is that I like MSNBC. You based that on nothing. Clearly, the repeated word - that you've ignored - is Bolshevik. It has no meaning in any context regarding MSNBC, but FOX "News" told you to say that because they want you to think some revolution that happened over 100 years ago is scary, so you obediently repeat it. Unless I'm wrong and you didn't just hear "Bolshevik" on FOX. Would you like to take this opportunity to explain exactly how you came to the researched conclusion that MSNBC is just like the Bolshevik faction of the RSDLP? I wonder, however, why wouldn't you consider MSNBC more like the Menshevik faction? Especially since the Bolshevik faction refused to deal with liberal organizations and the Mensheviks had no such rigidity in that regard.

But since neither faction has existed since 1952, what the hell are you talking about anyway?

I guess I should be happy that you didn't just jump straight to the ever-so-overused-at-FOX 'Nazi' card. [Slightly less so these days, since Glenn Beck has been booted.]

Will the next thing you say contain "George Soros," "Saul Alinsky," "food stamps," "free hand-outs" or "Chicago-style politics?" Because those meaningless and/or incorrect phrases are just as priceless.

Wow, look at the big brain on Bill. [Wow, look at the altered Pulp Fiction quote on Harold. So clever, it hurts.] You are taking yourself very seriously and coming across angry. [Every time I point out how stupid someone is, they say I’m angry. Frankly, 99% of the time, I’m completely amused and enjoying myself. Frustrated sometimes, but amused. Hell, I didn’t even swear every other word.] For the record, I don't have to parrot anything I hear on Fox. I too am an educated man and completely understand the context of my reference. I was merely making a joke towards Stanley, nothing more, nothing less. I engage in political discussions for a living and save Facebook for lighter banter. But thanks for the history lesson. [I admit, his original reply was probably aimed at Stanley, which I misunderstood due to the nature of Facebook's single-file responses. But in his second reply, he did tell me to try again, instead of explaining he was joking.]

Bill Mancuso
You claimed not to know what I was talking about. You told me to 'try again.' So I did. I responded with educated information. You responded with sarcastic disdain toward education (as every good FOX-watcher does). Then proclaimed yourself to be educated and understand the context of your reference - but still offered no educated information in response. Then you claimed your original comment was a joke - which you had not previously - but suddenly now it is since you have no real information to offer. Then in the middle of having a political discussion on Facebook you claim to have a paying career in political discussions and only enjoy light banter on Facebook - seeming only for the purpose to try and back out of this discussion. Then ended your contradictory paragraph with snark regarding historical facts.

Do you have multiple personalities, do you not know what you're talking about, do you dislike education - what.

If you were joking, why didn't you say it in the first place? Why do you continue to amuse me with your circular talking?

Really, someone pays you to talk about politics? [Seriously. Really?]

I'm about to FOX NEWS the both of you.

Bill Mancuso
Bring it on, Bitch!

Wait... first I have to finish my drink.

Bill Mancuso
10am. Early... or still drinking?

What an ass [And thank you, Megyn, for contributing the classic “ad hominem” method of FOX “News” debate. Complete with lack of punctuation.]

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Here’s a fine example of thorough FOX “reporting.” Can you tell what’s wrong?*

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* That’s Tina Fey, not Sarah Palin.

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