Monday, December 30, 2013

Go Tweet Yourself: Round 2

I don’t always immediately post a Tweet when I think of it. Sometimes, I’ll put them aside to post later. Slowly, the neglected Tweets have built up into a little mountain that I’ll never get around to posting. Some topics are a little out of date, some are timeless. Either way, I’m going to clear out my unposted Tweet collection here.

Some of these aren’t fully formed Tweets, but roughs, so they may be a bit over 140 characters. Others may be expanded ideas that aren’t big enough for a full blog post.

You may have to visit this post a few times. The links included with most of the Tweets will all add up and I wouldn’t want to interrupt anyone’s poop time.

I think the end of the year is a good time to clear out all of my brain farts.

Happy New Year…

The only people who claim that people want to ban guns are anti-gun control people. They have to lie to make their point. Which means they have no point. So, everything they say after that has no merit.

Background checks do not take away your guns.
Trigger locks do not take away your guns.
Safe storage does not take away your guns.
Reduced magazine capacity does not take away your guns.
Mental health checks do not take away your guns. (unless they need to)
Full auto weapons bans do not take away your right to own 1,000's of other guns.

And the ludicrous notion that one might need a gun to stop a tyrannical government is grounds for labeling one 'mentally unbalanced.'

(I think that may have ended up being part of a “discussion” I had.)

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List of things that gun-nuts claim are what's really responsible for killing:

Lack of love
Lack of attention
Lack of sympathy
Lack of guns
Swimming Pools
Lack of education
Lack of God in schools
Schools teaching how to be gay
Too many laws

List of things that gun-nuts claim are definitely not responsible for killing:

People using guns with bullets to kill people

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Republicans: There's no leadership from the president.
Translation: He won't do everything we want.
Alternate translation: He's black.

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Gundamentalists: Are you trying to convince me the government put in an amendment that enables people to overthrow the government? #Hole-yArgument

Instead of pretending to follow the Constitution while making up bullshit to hide your lack of testicles, why don't you actually read it? Oh, because it goes against your ignorant defense of owning guns.

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Gun laws don't work because criminals don't obey laws? So, we should have NO laws at all, then? #Hole-yArgument

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Cars, hammers and knives are as deadly as guns? What the fuck do you need guns for, then? #Hole-yArgument

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If guns don't kill people, then why do we give them to soldiers? #Hole-yArgument

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I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under the Constitution, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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Republicans love Communist, ex-KGB, Russian dictatorial President Putin. So much so, they want to move there. Because they love America so much. Or, they hate the black guy that much.

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Just completed a 'meatless Monday.' Although I haven't checked officially, I don't seem to have lost any freedom or liberty.

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Just installed a compact fluorescent lightbulb. Although I haven't checked officially, I don't seem to have lost any freedom or liberty.

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A gay couple got married today. Although I haven't checked officially, I don't seem to have lost any freedom or liberty.

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After finishing up some Photoshopping, I picked up my laptop and momentarily worried all the pictures were going to fall out.

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Climb out of the FOX hole. End the war on reality.

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Apparently, it's the heterosexuals in the military that are the problem. 

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One story about a cold day in the winter is all the proof one needs that anthropogenic climate change is a complete hoax. 10 out of 10 Creationists agree. 

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Why is it socially acceptable to bully people who collect toys & comics & watch sci-fi?

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Tomatoes have 7,000 more genes than humans and are 92% genetically the same as potatoes.

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Racists say racism is dead because we have a black Prez. Does this also count for the 49% of Americans who voted against Obama? #LogicFail

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Why aren't gundamentalists complaining about the 10's of millions of gun owner's names the NRA secretly compiled into a registry without their consent?

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July 2013 was the 341st consecutive month of above average global temperatures. If you're 28, you've never known an avg temp. #KeepDenying

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Good news for Ted Cruz (R-Idiot) who was born in Canada and will run for U.S. Prez: Teabag Birthers say Canada isn't foreign soil. #TedIsWhite

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The right-wing conspired to hype false Benghazi & IRS scandals? And suppress votes? That's a lie! Oh, there's proof?

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Robert Reich explains very clearly the facts about immigration reform and why it's needed.

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Sims: Stop Assault on Women's Rights

Gainey: Stop Assault on Women's Rights

Brown: Stop Assault on Women's Rights

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Tennessee: Church camp counselor climbs naked on 13-year-old boy, rubs his penis on his crotch & slaps his face. Church calls it "horseplay." #ReligionIsTheLeadingCauseOfAtheism

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Republicans & Republican groups receive 90% of the oil industry’s federal contributions. They always vote for billion$ in industry subsidies. 

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Hey, ‘Merican FOX viewers who hate foreigners: You know FOX is owned by an Australian and a Saudi Prince, right?

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Hey, what's a little violence against women compared to business advertisement? 

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Brought to you by the "Pro Life" party. 

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If you were standing exactly on either the North or South Pole:
A.) What time would it be?
B.) How would you travel Eastward? Westward?

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A mob of Constitution-loving Teabaggers attacked a reporter at one of their clan rallies, calling him a "Commie." 'Merica!

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More tales from the dumb fucking state in which I live:

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More tales from the dumb fucking state in which I live:

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"Medicare will put the government between you & your doctor."
"Kennedy lies & hates the Constitution."
"FDR is a socialist."

Republicans: Never change mindless repetition.

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"We do not see the world as it is, but as we are." - unknown quote misattributed to several sources such as Anais Nin, Gandi & the Talmud

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More tales from the dumb fucking state in which I live:

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"Conservative" hypocrisy knows no bounds. 

(The link I was going to post seems to have been wiped from the MSN website, but I've found this snippet posted elsewhere from the original article.)

Alabama using money meant for beach recovery to destroy a beach

BP had to cough up $1 billion to Gulf states that were directly affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010. Florida and Louisiana are using 90 percent and 100 percent of their shares, respectively, to restore their states' beaches and wildlife. Alabama, however, is using over 90 percent to rebuild a lodge and convention center destroyed by a 2004 hurricane, and plopping it down on an undeveloped beach. Alabama's conservation commissioner, N. Gunter Guy, Jr., claims that it's in the interest of boosting tourism, but Aaron Viles from the Gulf Restoration Network argues, "You are doing more harm than good by plopping down a huge beachfront development on an important habitat."

(All other articles about this topic seem to be from promotional Alabama real estate & tourism sites.)

(Ah. A little bit of diligence pays off with a small web paper...)

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Libertarianism: superficial, juvenile nonsense. 

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Goddammit you women will be subjugated if it's the last thing Republicans do. And it will be. 

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FOX "News" hypocrisy. Specifically, Sean Hannity.  

Fucking scumbag.

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For the money spent so far on the ten years of war in Iraq, we could provide completely free public higher education at every single two and four year school in the country — for the next 58 years. - Strike Debt

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Liars Beware: FOX just won't quit.  

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95% of wealth generated since 2008 has gone to the top 1%
Corporate taxes collected in 2012 = $242 Billion
Individual income taxes collected in 2012 = $1 Trillion

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Patriotism is talking of assassinating the President. Omitting God from beer ads means the terrorists won.

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Uh, so apparently, Obama drone-executed Paul Walker. I'm not including a link to that right-wing stupidity. Look it up yourself.

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Still believe there should be no separation between religion and government? 

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More tales from the dumb fucking state in which I live:

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Ooh, looky here. Conservatives love the Constitution so much, they're trying to do away with the 5th Amendment. 

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I wrote this a couple weeks before the Walking Dead season finale. I never posted it. Instead of throwing it away, I'll share it with you now. I don't like wasting a good mad-on. Spoiler Alert: There are no spoilers; it's safe to read.

"You know what pisses me off?

No. No. Not that. Not that, either. No. No. No. - Okay, so you know about a lot of the things that piss me off. But when a TV show has a great storyline and it plays out to a great ending but they don't end it and keep a character around just to continue beating that dead horse - a horse named "The Governor" - I get angry and eventually bored with the show and really, Really, REALLY want to see something new. Beating dead horses is neither creative, nor interesting. It's more akin to the feeling of being on water skis and the boat is pulling you toward a ramp. Behind the ramp, you can see a floating penned-in area. You start to wonder what is in that watery pen. Then you see a fin break the surface. The boat is pulling you closer to the ramp. Closer..."

Thank fuck that shit is over. A whole season to get to what should have been the ending for LAST season.

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Dan Savage was on Bill Maher several weeks ago. Maher mentioned that a Catholic bishop said children had a greater chance of committing suicide if adopted by a gay couple. Savage responded beautifully: “That’s total bullshit. He’s confusing children of gay parents with children who are raped by Catholic priests. Sorry, I am just done being lectured about children and their safety by Catholic-fucking bishops, priests and cardinals.”

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An end-of-year message from Robert Reich.

Here’s to a prosperous new year. Be excellent to each other.

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