Monday, September 9, 2013

Facebook Case Files 5: The Mary Edition

Another collection of my misadventures through the mystical land of Facebook. This one solely involves Mary. She says a lot of things that are, let’s say, not quite factual. Yes, we are friends.

At least on Facebook, anyway.

Although, I can’t believe she hasn’t unfriended me, yet.

Wonders never cease.


Bill Mancuso

*Waves* Hi!!!.....from the "problem" child

Bill Mancuso
Are you saying you're not a responsible, sane gun owner?

Responsible, yes. The jury is still out deliberating my sanity.

Bill Mancuso


I'm a responsible, sane..."at least I think I am" gun owner. I hate FOX News, and I have mixed feelings about the NRA, unfortunately they are all about the money aspect and profits from gun manufacturers selling guns, but they are the only strong lobby in town that tries to prevent us from going the Australia and Great Britain route. People believe that we will follow the recent UK and Australia gun ban, and that's a pretty big concern.

Hopefully this is all true? 
A U.N. small arms treaty signed by the U.S. provides a 'legal way around the 2nd Amendment'?

[It is hopeful that gun enthusiasts such as Alan realize what FOX and the NRA are truly about.]

Bill Mancuso
It's only a big concern among conspiracy theory believers. There never was and there never will be a UK-style arms bill in the works. That is pure propaganda by the NRA. The NRA since the 70's has been a lobbyist for the gun industry. They do not care about gun owners or their rights. They care about their 75% funding from the gun industry.

Background checks don't infringe on the 2nd Amendment or take away responsible gun owners' guns. Mental health care doesn't infringe on the 2AM or take away sane gun owners' guns. This notion that liberals are coming to take everyone's guns has been a flat out lie for over 30 years. It's never happened. There has never been any legislation proposed that takes away guns. And even if there was, the left doesn't embrace their extremists like the right does and the proposal will be "shot down." (pun intended)

Over the past 30 years, gun laws have only been relaxed or erased. (Maybe a random state restriction here and there.) The reason this has manifested in a fear of gun confiscation is from the NRA lying.

That Snopes article is correct. No treaty was signed that can do that. Aside from that, the U.N. has absolutely no jurisdiction in the USA. There CAN'T be a treaty with the U.N. to take away anything from the USA. Just more fear-mongering.

90% of all Americans want background and/or mental health checks. Including 74% of NRA members. Only criminals and crazies have to worry about their guns. (Mary may be on a 'crazy' list. That's still TBD.)

Please enjoy your guns, responsible, sane gun owners. No one is coming for them.

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10 people like this. [It never fails to amuse me how many people just blindly believe bullshit.]

Bill Mancuso
This lie started circulating in 2008 and originally stated six, not sixty employees would be fired. And congress raises taxes, not the president. And for a fact, taxes are the lowest in 50 years under Obama.


Bill Mancuso
Right. So, if House Republicans don't stop blocking everything, they'll fuck the economy again like they did in 2010. Still not Obama's doing. Please re-read your article.

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Sort of a re-do from Facebook Case Files I, but the fake Ben Stein quote was extended, so I extended my response.

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Republicans are not "pro-life." Republicans are "pro-birth." They don't give a shit about you after the moment you take your first breath because babies aren't corporations. In fact, they don't really care about babies before then, either - Holier-than-thou Republicans just want to punish women for having sex. They don't believe women are people, just birthing matrices. 

Don't think so? I'll gladly discuss it with you. I'll bring proof. What will you bring?

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I’m including this because I also don’t know of anybody who views things the way the poster suggests. It’s more right-wing propaganda pretending people are saying stupid stuff against their precious guns. As if there aren't enough smart things to say against them.

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If you’re interested in wasting a few minutes, here’s the fictitious video:

If you’re interested in facts, check these out:

The Myth of Americans Living Beyond Their Means with Robert Reich

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I meant to include this a few posts back. The “Completely Different” part of my post, “Lollapalooza” reminds me of this:

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